From: geoff on
This needs to xpost to r.a.p ;-)


geoff wrote:
> George's Pro Sound Co. wrote:
>> "Arny Krueger" <arnyk(a)> wrote in message
>> news:99udnSwQJOhpqcrWnZ2dnUVZ_o6dnZ2d(a)
>>> "Ron" <ron(a)> wrote in message
>>> news:VJ-dnYhqVYBcd8vWnZ2dnUVZ8tVi4p2d(a)


>>>> Sorry for long url
>>> Not the first example of this and not the last, in all liklihood.
>> Even happens in the Pro Live sound market place, the area of interest
>> to this newsgroup
>> look at teh "Midas" venice product and you can clearly see rebadged
>> garbage from budget makers
>> George
> Next we find a Lexi-con PCM70 is really an Alesis with a fascia
> change ?
> geoff

From: Arkansan Raider on
Ron wrote:
> On 21/01/2010 17:59, Arkansan Raider wrote:
>> Ron wrote:

>>> This is what happens when possibly well meaning people cross post to
>>> r.a.p
>> IIRC, this guy has been stalking Bob regardless of where he posts. And
>> I've only been following it for about the last year.
>> I would also agree that there's some funky dynamics in that
>> don't translate too well to r.a.p.
>> Again, JMHSO.
>> ---Jeff
> I find life far more pleasant with them both killfiled
> Ron

Well, I find that Bob has some very useful and worthwhile things to say.
I'd like to be able to killfile the other guy, but since he's a
namechanger anyway, I'm sure he'll show up regardless.

But that's your choice. Whatever works for you.

From: geoff on
Ron wrote:

> I find life far more pleasant with them both killfiled

Maybe both are actually two side of a split personailty in denial ?!!!


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