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Migrating SBS 2003 to 2008 Standard R2
I am having some issues migrating SBS2003 to a 2008 Server R2 standard. I have transferred all FSMO roles over to the 2008 Server. As well as, DHCP and DNS. There is no need for me to setup or migrate Exchange settings since my client is no longer using exchange. When I shut off the SBS 2003 Server. AD on the 2008 ... 20 Jul 2010 19:06
[SBS2008] Several shares not accessible from one workstation by UNC
Hi, I have a very strange problem in my SBS2008 environement. There is one workstation in the network that can access nearly all shares, but some shares (ie. the RedirectedFolders share) is not accessible on the computer. The strange thing is that all permissions are configured correctly, because I can access the s... 18 Jul 2010 22:26
Windows licensing question, please help.
BACKGROUND: I have 42 full time employess at my organization and 121 devices (85 fat clients & 36 thin clients). I am purchasing a new Windows 2008 server, running Exchange Standard to replace an existing 2003 Exchange standard server. I have an additional Windows 2003 server, running terminal services. CURRE... 18 Jul 2010 18:07
Renewing SSL Certificate
I am running SBS 2003 with self signed SSL certificate which was created when the SBS was originally installed. It expired, which will prevent me from running outlook anywhere for example. Is there a way to extend the date on the self signed certificate without going and buying it from an vendor? ... 18 Jul 2010 00:56
problems preparing sbs 2003 for sbs 2008 migration
i've recently inherited an SBS 2003 server and the client now wants to migrate to SBS 2008. i've run the BPA and it's reporting the SBS 2003 SP1 is not installed. windows server 2003 SP2 has long been installed as well as updates up to this day. i've tried running the SP1 update, but it errors stating i need to in... 19 Jul 2010 20:12
Win 2003 SBS and Terminal service
Hi, I installed win 2003 SBS and after that, I can't acess it throught remote desktop( I tried and localhost and pc name), and trying to browser avaialbe terminal server, said no terminal server found. Can someone pls help me? Thanks... ... 16 Jul 2010 15:29
Windows Active Directory Interview Questions
Here i have gathered some of the most important interview questions on Windows Active Directory Services. These are related to Windows 2003 AD environment. Please click on the following link to see them ... 16 Jul 2010 11:02
VSS troubles on SBS 2008 with backup built-in tool
I too have a 2008 64b Server (in production) and the backup did work for a number of days but then all of a sudden stopped, I have an external 1TB HP USB Driver (in fact i have many of these and have tried formatting and re adding them etc) with no luck - my server is already on SP2. there is no way to get to ... 16 Jul 2010 15:29
>>>> On August 1, Microsoft will be making the Newsgroup Read only. <<<<
On August 1, Microsoft will be making the Newsgroup Read only. What does this mean? This means on August 1st you will no longer be able to post messages through the Microsoft Communities Server ( Why? As you may know, newsgroups have existed for many... 17 Jul 2010 20:38
Joining Win 7 to SBS 2003 - 2 issues
I've joined a windows 7 professional 64 bit client to an SBS 2003 Premium joined fine, as far as can be seen, except for 2 issues: - The User Account Control window pops up on each login showing, "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer" and the program is, "Window... 15 Jul 2010 20:56
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