From: Jo on
Using surface to create a patch grid results in a jagged surface.

z = x.^2-cos(5*x).*y.^2;
surface(x,y,z,'EdgeColor',[.8 .8 .8],'FaceColor','none')

Because I'm computing contour's and full colored surfaces I have a much finer meshgrid than above.

z = x.^2-cos(5*x).*y.^2 + 0.3;
surf(x,y,z, 'EdgeColor', 'none');

I would like to use the finer grid as a way to interpolate the grid lines for the grid plot so make it smoother. (or essentiallly draw every 5 to 10 grid lines on a finer grid)

If I use the finer meshgrid then I get too dense grid lines which makes it useless.

I also use hidden surface removal so I assume that the grid has to be made up of patches which have linear edges. This probably means I can't do what I want to do ;.

Any ideas?