From: Gerald W. Lester on
It might work, but that is not the fix! You are just hiding the error.

My guess is that the server has closed the socket. Could you get the
contents of ::errorCode when the error occurs?

drscrypt(a) wrote:
> On 6/16/2010 10:53 AM, drscrypt(a) wrote:
>> Any ideas what is causing the problem? Should I revert to the previous
>> version?
> Here is the quick and probably dirty resolution to the problem: It
> seems like the last update to mime was in 2008 - hopefully the
> maintainer(s) will see this and replace it with the correct fix:
> Towards the end of the ::mime::copymessageaux in mime.tcl, there is this
> code. If you put a catch around the the two puts and the flush, all is ok:
>> if {[string compare $converter ""]} {
>> puts -nonewline $channel [$converter -mode encode --
>> $state(string)]
>> } else {
>> puts -nonewline $channel $state(string)
>> }
>> }
>> default {
>> error "Unknown value \"$state(value)\""
>> }
>> }
>> flush $channel

| Gerald W. Lester, President, KNG Consulting LLC |
| Email: Gerald.Lester(a) |
From: drscrypt on
On 6/16/2010 7:16 PM, Gerald W. Lester wrote:
> It might work, but that is not the fix! You are just hiding the error.

Right - it is a temporary solution until the maintainers take a look at
it. (Well, if the server has closed the connection as you say below,
perhaps this is the right action after all.)

> My guess is that the server has closed the socket. Could you get the
> contents of ::errorCode when the error occurs?

% set ::errorCode

And errorInfo returns the same info as in the first post in this thread.