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From: Todd on 8 Jun 2010 15:55 I would like to set up a generic solution to a system of equations that calls a function to return fluid properties for use in the solution. I have included the system below including the function call - refpropm. I had attempted to begin using a symbolic solution method but had been hung up on calling the refprop function during solution. I believe that a table look up method is required for an element of the solution, but am unsure how to implement. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. h1=$ENTHALPY(3,fluid,'T,Tin,'P,Pin) Ac=pi*Ri^2 Ao=pi*Do*L Ai=pi*Di*L S=(2*pi*L)/ln(Do/Di) Q=m_dot*(h2-h1) Q=Uo*Ao*(To-Ti) Ti=(Tin+Tout)/2 Uo=1/(Ao/(Ai*hi)+(Ao*ln(Ro/Ri))/(2*pi*L*kw)+(1/ho)) Nui=(hi*Di)/ki ki=$THERMCOND(3,fluid,'T,Ti,'P,Pi) Nui=((f/2)*Rei*Pri)/(C+12.7*(f/2)*(Pri^(2/3)-1)) C=1.07+(900/Rei)-(0.63/(1+10*Pri)) f=0.00218+0.1143*Rei^(-4/3.2154) Rei=(4*m_dot)/(pi*Di*mui) Pri=$PRANDTL(3,fluid,'T,Ti,'P,Pi) mui=$VISCOSITY(3,fluid,'T,Ti,'P,Pi) Pi=(Pin+Pout)/2 Pout=Pin-deltaP deltaP=((4*f*L)/Di+1.25)*(Gi^2/(2*gc*rhoi)) Gi=m_dot/Ac rhoi=$DENSITY(3,fluid,'T,Ti,'P,Pi) Nuo=(h0*Do)/katm Tf=(T2+To)/2 katm=$THERMCOND(3,fluid2,'T,Tf,'P,Patm) rhoatm=$DENSITY(3,fluid,'T,Tf,'P,Patm) muatm=$VISCOSITY(3,fluid2,'T,Tf,'P,Patm) Q=hi*Ai*(T1-Ti) Q=S*kw*(T2-T1) Tout=$TEMPERATURE(3,fluid,'H,h2,'P,Pout) Reo=(rhoatm*Vinf*Do)/(muatm) Nuo=Cg*Reo^n Ro=Do/2 Ri=Di/2
From: Walter Roberson on 8 Jun 2010 16:14
Todd wrote: > I would like to set up a generic solution to a system of equations that > calls a function to return fluid properties for use in the solution. > h1=$ENTHALPY(3,fluid,'T,Tin,'P,Pin) That does not appear to be Matlab code -- $ is not permitted in matlab identifiers. Is it Simulink Embedded Matlab perhaps? |