From: Els on
I try to solve a couple of nonlinear equations with the following function
function F = SolveNG(x,cx,cy,cz,ax,ay,az,P4,P5,CP)
n = cross(P4-CP',P4-P5);
n = n(:).'/norm(n)
D1 = -n(1,1)*P4(1,1) - n(1,2)*P4(1,2) - n(1,3)*P4(1,3)

F = [N1*x(1) + N2*x(2) + N3*x(3) + D1;
((x(1)-cx)/ax)^2 + ((x(2)-cy)/ay)^2 + ((x(3)-cz)/az)^2 -1;
((2*(x(1)-cx))/(ax^2))- x(4);
((2*(x(2)-cy))/(ay^2))- x(5);
((2*(x(3)-cz))/(az^2))- x(6);
x(4)*x(1) + x(5)*x(2) + x(6)*x(3)+ x(7);
x(4)*P1 + x(5)*P2 + x(6)*P3+ x(7)];

In the main function I use this code to call my function
x0 = [-80; -40; -40;-30;-30;-30;-30]; % Make a starting guess at the solution
options=optimset('Display','iter'); % Option to display output
fsolve(@SolveNG, x0, options, cx,cy,cz,ax,ay,az,P4,P5,CP)

But I get an error which I do not understand:
??? Error using ==> vertcat
CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.

Error in ==> SolveNG at 12
F = [N1*x(1) + N2*x(2) + N3*x(3) + D1;

Error in ==> fsolve at 253
fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});

Error in ==> TestSimpeSphere at 726
fsolve(@SolveNG, x0, options, cx,cy,cz,ax,ay,az,P4,P5,CP)

Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation.
FSOLVE cannot continue.

How can I solve this??
From: Bruno Luong on
> How can I solve this??

Set a breakpoint in your function and check the size of the variables when it's invoked.

From: Els on
x is a 7x1 sized variable, which should be correct, because there are 7 equations as well.
Still the error keeps coming when the F= line comes.
From: Els on
Bruno, maybe a quick look to my constants can help you determine where the problem is.

% cx = -27.6359;
% cy = 15.4697;
% cz = -11.3979;
% ax = 21.1604;
% ay = 21.1604;
% az = 21.1604;
% P4 = [-35.3578 33.0654 10.1122];
% P5 = [ -60.2000 -33.1000 -46.8000];
% CP = [-47.8215;11.6973;-6.2917];

Is it possible that the error comes from a wrong chosen x0?
From: Bruno Luong on
"Els " <y.e.t.reeuwijk(a)> wrote in message <httb52$mgd$1(a)>...
> x is a 7x1 sized variable,

Fine, but I wrote "variables" (plurial).
