From: Jacob Wall on 1 Aug 2010 12:21 Thanks for replying Han. I think that you may be thinking more of a POL hard key assignment situation? Similar concepts, however the IfMain message 0 behaves slightly different from what I can tell, but you bring forward some ideas that I didn't think of. Let's examine the message handler: >> ' >> :: >> BINT0 >> #=case >> :: >> OVER >> BINT7 >> #=case >> :: >> 2DROP >> "Key Assigned!" >> FlashMsg >> TRUE >> ; >> FALSE >> ; >> FALSE >> ; BINT0 ( IfMsgKeyPress � 0 ) #=case :: ... TRUE ; FALSE I broke the sample code down to its simplest form, therefore no DEFINEs or INCLUDEs. The key message handler is the only one I'm interested in, and I don't see an issue with the general form of the message handler structure. I could use: #0=case :: ... TRUE ; FALSE or DUP#0=csedrp :: ... TRUE ; DROPFALSE or ?, but none of that makes any difference in the end result. From programming in System RPL: ---------------------------------------- IfMsgKeyPress � 0 This message is sent after each keypress, first to the active field, then to the input form. If the field handles the message, the normal input form key handling is not executed. Input 2: #KeyPlane 1: #KeyCode Output (if handled) 2: ::Key_Handler_Program 1: TRUE Output (if not handled) 3: #KeyPlane 2: #KeyCode 1: FALSE ---------------------------------------- First of all, I believe the 'Input' stack diagram is shown incorrect, it should be: Input 2: #KeyCode 1: #KeyPlane By association, the 'Output (if not handled)' stack diagram is then also not correct. Anyways, the output is handled for message 0. Looking at the 'Output (if handled)' stack diagram I thought maybe I should try the following to intercept the desired key: OVER BINT7 #=case :: ' :: 2DROP "Key Assigned!" FlashMsg ; TRUE ; FALSE Interestingly enough, no crash, but an error instead. At this point I realize that I should be doing the key handling properly for each #keyplane, and make use of ?CaseKeyDef as suggested by Han. Also looking at the documentation for the POL hard key assignments, I came up with the following for the field message handler: ' :: #0=case :: BINT1 OVER#=case :: OVER BINT7 ?CaseKeyDef :: TakeOver 2DROP "Key Assigned!" FlashMsg ; DROPFALSE ; FALSE ; FALSE ; THIS WORKS! It appears that I had a fundamental misconception of how this message works. Funny how a suggestion by someone (Han) followed by trying to talk myself through it, ends in finding the error. No Bug, and I'll post this message unedited, the result of a lengthy endeavor. Thanks Han, Jacob
From: Han on 1 Aug 2010 18:05 Congrats and getting your program to work. I remember also running into many problems with the key handlers back on the HP48 calculators. It was often due to the misnaming and/or misdocumentation of control symbols in the "case" family. For example, #=casedrop has the following stack diagram: #x #y -> (if #x = #y) #x #y -> #x (if #x <> #y) :: ... #casedrop objectTRUE ... ; So #=casedrop actually does the equivalent of .... OVER #= case :: DROP Obj_TRUE ; ... rest of runstream whereas the name suggests it should do .... #= case :: DROP Obj_TRUE ; ... rest of runstream (At least that was the behavior for the HP48 series.)
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