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From: Pete Dashwood on 10 Jan 2010 23:38 Pete Dashwood wrote: > > If I get a chance I'll try and duplicate your problem. > > Pete. I was doing some other Excel related stuff today so I took some time out to look at your problem. I was able to get the same result you did, so I decided to solve it :-) The error message you got was telling you the Method did not exist, and it doesn't. I mentioned earlier that the object model shows the method as simply "PrintArea" NOT "setPrintArea". So I did some experiments... Here's the code (in Fujitsu NetCOBOL which is NOT .NET code and does NOT generate CLR. This is standard unmanaged code). PROGRAM-ID. XLTEST. * written by Pete Dashwood, PRIMA Computing, (NZ) Ltd. January 2010. * (some parts loosely based on Fujitsu sample code) ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. REPOSITORY. Class COM AS "*COM". DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 ExcelProgID pic x(20) value "Excel.Application.12". 01 objExcel OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objWorkbooks OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objWkBk OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objWorksheets OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objCurrSheet OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objSelectCell OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objRangeBegin OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objRangeEnd OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objRange OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objCell OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 objPageSetUp OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 CellLine PIC S9(9) COMP-5. 01 CellCol PIC S9(9) COMP-5. 01 COMTrue PIC 1(1) BIT VALUE B"1". *> Ugh!!! 01 Print-Range-String PIC X(20). 01 numDisplay PIC 999. 01 Test-Value pic x(35) value "Print". PROCEDURE DIVISION. Main section. 000. *====================================================================== * Activate Excel. *====================================================================== invoke COM "CREATE-OBJECT" USING ExcelProgID RETURNING objExcel end-invoke invoke objExcel "SET-VISIBLE" USING COMTrue end-invoke *====================================================================== * Create a new Workbook *====================================================================== * invoke objExcel "GET-WORKBOOKS" *> Get the Workbook object. RETURNING objWorkbooks end-invoke invoke objWorkbooks "Add" RETURNING objWkbk end-invoke invoke objWkBk "Activate" end-invoke *====================================================================== * Create a new sheet in the new workbook and get a reference to it *====================================================================== invoke objWkBk "GET-WORKSHEETS" RETURNING objWorksheets end-invoke invoke objWorksheets "Add" *> makes the new sheet active also... end-invoke *> get a reference to the current sheet in the new workbook invoke objWkBk "GET-ACTIVESHEET" RETURNING objCurrSheet end-invoke *====================================================================== * Set the value for 1st - 10th Cell (A1 to J1) in the new sheet * We will print cells 1 - 7 but not the rest... *====================================================================== move 1 to CellLine. perform varying CellCol from 1 by 1 until CellCol > 10 invoke objCurrSheet "GET-CELLS" USING CellLine CellCol RETURNING objCell end-invoke move spaces to test-value if CellCol > 7 move "Don't print" to test-value move CellCol to numDisplay move numDisplay to test-value (13:3) else move "Print" to test-value move CellCol to numDisplay move numDisplay to test-value (7:3) end-if invoke objCell "SET-VALUE" USING test-value end-invoke end-perform *====================================================================== * Select the 1st - 7th Cell in the 1st line (from A1 to J1). *====================================================================== move 1 to CellLine move 1 to CellCol *> Get the beginning position of invoke objCurrSheet "GET-CELLS" *> the Cell object. USING CellLine CellCol RETURNING objRangeBegin end-invoke MOVE 1 TO CellLine MOVE 7 TO CellCol *> Get the ending position of the invoke objCurrSheet "GET-CELLS" *> Cell object. USING CellLine CellCol RETURNING objRangeEnd end-invoke invoke objCurrSheet "GET-RANGE" USING objRangeBegin objRangeEnd RETURNING objRange end-invoke *====================================================================== * Set the visible print area * * This has to be in A1 style address format. Use the "Address" * property of the range to get this. *====================================================================== invoke objRange "GET-Address" returning Print-Range-String end-invoke *> Get a reference to the sheet's PageSetup invoke objCurrSheet "GET-PageSetUp" returning objPageSetUp end-invoke *> Add the visible print area to the sheet's PageSetup invoke objPageSetUp "SET-PrintArea" using Print-Range-String end-invoke *> At this point cells 1 - 7 appear on the spread sheet *> with a dotted frame around them *====================================================================== * Print the Cells... * uses the default printer. *====================================================================== invoke objCurrSheet "PrintOut" end-invoke *> ONLY the specified range is printed... . 999. exit program . END PROGRAM XLTEST. This gives the expected result. However, if I change the line that sets up the print area to be: *> Add the visible print area to the sheet's PageSetup invoke objPageSetUp "SET-setPrintArea" using Print-Range-String end-invoke fails with exactly the equivalent error code you received... (There is no such object as "setPrintArea") Here's the code you posted, annotated as to why it's wrong, and corrected. > >> Move z"1:267" TO X-00-TEXT => NO! it must be in A1 format... use >> "$A$1:$EA$267" > >> INVOKE WorkBook "getActiveSheet" RETURNING ActiveSheet. > >> INVOKE ActiveSheet "getPageSetup" Returning PageSetup. > >> INVOKE PageSetup "setPrintArea" using X-00-TEXT => INVOKE PageSetup >> "PrintArea" using X-00-TEXT (You might need to check whether Micro Focus have SET methods for Automation servers as part of their interface to COM. It is possible that the USING tells the server to SET the value and returning tells it to GET the value. I haven't used COM with MicroFocus and I have requested people who ARE using it, to let us have the code for the site. So far no-one has responded... perhaps you might be first? :-)) That should fix it. So, I lose my bet that the problem is with X-00-TEXT... :-) The problem is with the name of the attribute. I suspect that sample code you looked at may have been using a set method for the particular platform to set it. The Fujitsu COM interface automatically builds GET and SET methods for PROPERTIES of COM objects and you can see them being referenced in the program above. The only definitive way to remove doubt when it comes to Object Oriented Automation, is to consult the Object Model or an Object Browser. Pete. -- "I used to write I can do anything."
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