From: Lie Ryan on
On 04/27/10 18:01, Peter Otten wrote:
> Lie Ryan wrote:
>> In fact, never trust IDLE. IDLE is a nice IDE when the alternative is
>> Notepad; but for serious work, you need a real IDE or a programmer's
>> text editor (vim or emacs, whichever side you're in).
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use emacs."
> Now they have two problems.
> More seriously, the subset of emacs I am using is probably supported by
> idle, too. That's why I sympathize with the OP's decision to stick with
> idle.

It's not about IDLE's text editing capability, which is perfectly fine.
It's about IDLE mangling your program's execution due to IDLE being
written in Python itself. It's often the case your program would run
fine inside IDLE but crashes badly outside; that's why if you need to
use IDLE, test your program in command line as well. Otherwise you're
going to be surprised.
From: Paul Rudin on
Peter Otten <__peter__(a)> writes:

> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use emacs."
> Now they have two problems.

Probably you know this ... but the original form of this saying had
"regular expressions" in place of "emacs".

Since Jamie Zawinski coined this saying and he was a significant
contributor to XEmacs it's quite ironic to see it in the form you give
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