From: Jean-Philip Dumont on

I would like to sort a cell array which contains names with letters and numbers.

Here is a example :

X = {'S1', 'H2', 'S3', 'H4', 'B6', .... 'H5'}

When I use the fonction "sort", the sorting is made according to the letters in front of the numbers. This is not what I want to do.

Is there a way to sort what I have according to the numbers beside the letters?
For example, the result I would like to have is :
X = {'S1', 'H2', 'S3', 'H4', 'H5', 'B6', .... }

Thank you very much!

From: Jan Simon on
Dear Jean-Philip,

> X = {'S1', 'H2', 'S3', 'H4', 'B6', .... 'H5'}
> sorting...
> Xs = {'S1', 'H2', 'S3', 'H4', 'H5', 'B6', .... }

You need to get the numbers at first:
Worm = sprintf('%s,', X{:});
D = sscanf(Worm, '%c%d,');
Now the even indices are the numbers, which can be sorted:
[dummy, Index] = sort(D(2:2:end));
And your original cell needs the same sorting index:
Xs = X(Index);

Another idea would be to let CELLFUN(@SSCANF) scan each cell string.
If the initial string of each part has a varying number of characters, use STRREAD to parse the Worm.

Good luck, Jan
From: Jean-Philip Dumont on
"Jan Simon" <matlab.THIS_YEAR(a)> wrote in message <i2c8kc$epf$1(a)>...
> Dear Jean-Philip,
> > X = {'S1', 'H2', 'S3', 'H4', 'B6', .... 'H5'}
> > sorting...
> > Xs = {'S1', 'H2', 'S3', 'H4', 'H5', 'B6', .... }
> You need to get the numbers at first:
> Worm = sprintf('%s,', X{:});
> D = sscanf(Worm, '%c%d,');
> Now the even indices are the numbers, which can be sorted:
> [dummy, Index] = sort(D(2:2:end));
> And your original cell needs the same sorting index:
> Xs = X(Index);
> Another idea would be to let CELLFUN(@SSCANF) scan each cell string.
> If the initial string of each part has a varying number of characters, use STRREAD to parse the Worm.
> Good luck, Jan

I used you first code and it does exactly what i need!

Thank you very much for your help!