From: Richard on
Hi, how do I sort rows in a cell array by a specific column value....
My array contains 50 rows and 10 columns. Column 5 in each row contains a (hopefully)unique number. How can I sort my cell rows by reordering them so that they are placed in order of the magnitude of the value in column 5?
From: Loren Shure on
In article <hs0s34$pc$1(a)>,
REMOVETHISrcaldwellie(a) says...
> Hi, how do I sort rows in a cell array by a specific column value....
> i.e.
> My array contains 50 rows and 10 columns. Column 5 in each row contains a (hopefully)unique number. How can I sort my cell rows by reordering them so that they are placed in order of the magnitude of the value in column 5?

Look at the help for sortrows, particularly the 2nd syntax. Good
examples on that reference page that are relevant as well.

From: Richard on
Loren Shure <loren.shure(a)> wrote in message <MPG.264dc587e8cc5f74989ae8(a)>...
> In article <hs0s34$pc$1(a)>,
> REMOVETHISrcaldwellie(a) says...
> > Hi, how do I sort rows in a cell array by a specific column value....
> > i.e.
> > My array contains 50 rows and 10 columns. Column 5 in each row contains a (hopefully)unique number. How can I sort my cell rows by reordering them so that they are placed in order of the magnitude of the value in column 5?
> >
> Look at the help for sortrows, particularly the 2nd syntax. Good
> examples on that reference page that are relevant as well.
> --
> Loren
Thanks v. much. Didnt know that would work with cell arrays!!