From: Shakespeare on
Op 12-3-2010 18:09, Andreas Mosmann schreef:
> Shakespeare schrieb am 12.03.2010 in
> <4b99f3da$0$22939$e4fe514c(a)>:
>> Op 10-3-2010 18:29, joel garry schreef:
>>> On Mar 10, 9:12 am, Andreas Mosmann<mosm...(a)
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Andreas Mosmann schrieb am 05.03.2010 in
>>>> <1267809...(a)>:
>>>>> Hi ng,
>>>>> does anybody know a place, where I can find information about Oracle
>>>>> Spatial functionality?
>>>>> I like to learn something about these features and so I look for a
>>>>> place, where I can find information or can ask other people using
>>>>> this.
>>>>> I am also interested in tutorials or something like this.
>>>>> Does anybody know, whether there are routing- functions available for
>>>>> this?
>>>>> Any experiences?
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Andreas
>>>>> Interesting versions are Oracle 9,10 and 11
>>>>> I learned something about spatial functionality of PostgreSQL and
>>>>> PostGIS so it is not totally new for me.
>>>> Doesn't really know anybody anything about it or is this a mystery?
>>>> --
>>>> wenn email, dann AndreasMosmann<bei> web<punkt> de
>>> It's a mystery to me. Try
>>> jg
>>> --
>>> is bogus.
>> Or this one:
>> Routing is described in Appendix C
>> Note that Oracle Spatial is licensed requires a license. Oracle
>> Locator is a subset of Spatial, without extra licensing. I don;t think
>> routing is a part of locator.
>> Shakespeare
> Seems to be a mytery.
> Thank you for your hints, so I have to read 500 manual pages ...
> Andreas

Unfortunately, yes. Spatial is complex stuff.
