From: Eeyore on

Phildo wrote:

> "Ron" <ron(a)> wrote
> > Eeyore, who hasn't been seen nor heard of for weeks pops in for five
> > minutes, mischieviously rattles the cage, and staight away reignites this
> > old chestnut. Shame on you for falling for it and rising to the bait.
> He's probably had to lie low for a while because he said he got busted for
> benefit fraud.

Your feeble attempt to 'report me' to the DWP was treated with the disdain it

> His constant posting on here about the work he does at the
> dive he works in wouldn't look good if he was being investigated.

CONSTANT work ? Just shows how out of touch with reality you are.

DIVE ? Funny it's got 3 awards over the last 2 years.


due to the hugely increased level of spam please make the obvious adjustment to
my email address

From: Eeyore on

Phildo wrote:

> > Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
> >
> >>Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF)
> >>
> >>MDF is a wood based sheet material manufactured from wood fibres bonded
> >>together with a synthetic resin adhesive. Jewson offers a range of
> >>standard boards suitable for a wide variety of interior uses. For more
> >>demanding situations MDF is available in moisture resistant, flame
> >>retardant, high density and exterior grades. MDF is also available in
> >>Light and Ultra-light grades.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Discussion settled in my favour.
> >>
> >>Graham
> Jeez, this guy is the definition of petty-minded.
> Phildo

That would be YOU actually.


due to the hugely increased level of spam please make the obvious adjustment to my email address

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