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From: AliveAndHuman on 3 Sep 2009 02:52 **Tell me who you are with, and I will tell you who you ARE** - This popular phrase has an occult meaning derived from the telepathic channel. It is an example of crossed messages. If this man X is thinking of or sending a message to N, who will get the message? NOT N if it can hear, because the image of N in his own mind and the target s image in X are dissimilar. Who has the same image of N in mind? M, N s company. X and M have the same perspective of N, while N only knows himself from mirrors, at best. In some cases N would even have the image of Z in mind, anyone, as being himself! So to make the message arrive, X has to think of M who is with N, not of N. M is the who you are with, N is the who you ARE. The message m is anchored by M who is in the mind of N. if N is schizophrenic, it will hear the message; if N is not schizophrenic the message will bounce on his mind and X will know WHO is N! N can be localized by thinking at his company! Note that the ability to perceive the message and the actual brain processing field that carries the transmission are different concepts but vary together and in relation to M, so more than one bounce is possible. For N to be fully identified both M and N would be producing carrying fields so the signal is bounced on N as M s brain recognizes (anchors) the message and projects it on N s person (the mind content of both X and M) who in turn also bounces the signal as it is transmitted from M thinking at N. This is important for psychics! If they have a picture of N... whatever they think (assuming they do have the power to transmit and conditions are adequate) would not be picked up by N but by whatever M is with N, and M may be very schizophrenic... making sense of the usual meaning of this common phrase: being with a *bad* person makes you dangerous for people thinking you... even if **the you the lion are not as fierce as you are described** (el leon no es tan malo como lo pintan). We can define crazy as people who take decisions based on signals in the telepathic channel they themselves emit and perceive bounced on other people or things. Crazy thus has a component of autonomy that differentiates it from the true psychopath, for whom compulsiveness is such an important component that it loses autonomy, though the existence of the bounced signal can turn the crazy person into a psychopath making boundaries between both concepts blurr. If a crazy man becomes obssessed with acting about the bounced signal, it turns into a psychopath. Note that there is no guarantee _anybody else_ can hear the signal emitted by any particular individual so strictly speaking no assumptions can be made as to who received the message if at all, what matters is that one person CAN hear his own thought reflected elsewhere and he acts on it. The acts of the crazy person will be considered *crazy* as this signal can be so private people around him cannot understand the source for his decisions and acts. This is the case, for instance, of psychics who use their ability to localize people or things. This psychic bounces his signal on an old furniture belonging to his greatfather, then insists he has go into the place. That psychic leaves all his chores undone and runs to see who is bouncing the signal, but wouldnt say why he runs. In the extreme crazy people begin killing to shut up the signal because they can hear themselves over other people s heads. Another example would be demolishing companies interested in having certain places demolished because one employee, probably the owner himself, is hearing itself in the place. Also some jobs would grant obvious opportunities for crazy people, like janitorial services or journalism. Craziness becomes important for society and a disease if the crazy person begins destroying the reflector of his thought, as what would determine this reflection is a series of complex interactions. Particularly, the assumption that it can be heard by just anyone is not supported by reality; most likely it is a private experience or it is shared by direct relatives or people who know them for a long time... The city is going sour on sweet is the headline. So... can excrement color anthropoids enjoy sweetness, can they actually _taste_ it? If they cannot taste sweetness only humans would care if all sweetness sources dissappear from Earth! In that case sugar would have a strange taste and would not be a joy but rather a pain or a duty to use to hide the *secret* (schizophrenic trait). This would be an important element in the *crossed* programming of white blacks as they would consider it important to be *savory* people or *sour* people and not *sweet* people. It would also make sugar a natural substance to mix with poisons or *experiments*, as excrement color anthropids would naturally avoid it or not use it. It is noticeable that in shelters people would fight to have *seconds*, a second meal, but not a second drink of water nor more sweet bread. Danilo J Bonsignore
From: AliveAndHuman on 3 Sep 2009 05:10 Oh yes! This musician (not I), thinks he is very good but he is the color of excrement and cannot understand. It is like changing one tooth from a key, it fits the lock but the door will not open. It is that he does not understand he lacks the *feeling*, the EMOTION transmitted by human players. Music is the multiple key to open multiple doors through one single lock. That is its meaning! This new key is so shaped that it opens a door not previously seen, when it is played... If the key is blunt, it will open the only and same door but nothing to be discovered there. Humans have a very complex emotional life derived (partially) from solving the basic problem of discerning the self from the mother. Having solved the problem of excrement, the baby disposes of more resources to develop emotional life and different forms of social relation to other human beings. Those same resources would be used to develop language, as it is necessary to express more complex patterns of feeling and communicate them in a social system. This would be true also of music. Hence language develops not only from the need to refer to the *non natural* color of human beings for which the best referent is the (original) environment and this need a better tag, but also to make internal states known by others. This same need to communicate emotional life was determinant in the evolution of features as a quick way to communicate, before words are spoken and on sight meeting communication efficiency requirements, emotional contents that would not be readily apparent from mere physical acts. This learning of emotion and language in babies for whom excrement is not a problem is similar to the learning of the sensation map distinguishing the body from the environment and would be exemplified also by the *grip* test of babies aware of themselves vs babies whose perception of their own body is impaired. Note that assuming the direct link between difficulty to discern body, mother and excrement AND schizophrenia, excrement color populations AND schizophrenics would have less chance to learn complex emotional gamuts since they would tend to *normalize* and equilibrate on the common-ly felt emotion or the strongest transmitter s emotion... Danilo J Bonsignore
From: AliveAndHuman on 3 Sep 2009 06:16 I would go seriously discussing... no, Rerum Novarum is excrement. Period. Danilo J Bonsignore
From: AliveAndHuman on 3 Sep 2009 07:25 No Buho (OWL, programming library, I was already programming, I was known by that name? And it was NO whatever) U(no) (ended being heard as U, anyone, universe) e mat(o) (Valero s brother nickname, seemingly Hindi; they would think it was Mato composing, so he ended cretin) su (musica) (his music, last word was not heard, maybe somebody defending me or who exactly?) The man got his name from a schizophrenic stream as it matched either Spanish or Japanese... or bilingual people in those languages, before normal and above normal people begun falling to the mass of schizophrenics who cannot understand the more people they *dismiss* the more they hear... (can be formalized quite well). It all gives me the impression three policemen, two Mexican maid looking ones and one mixed race being VERY distressed in a table, have just come out of the Empire State from killing somebody who was near and dear to me, as the drivers in the truck told me. THEIR excuse is that **it was being heard over her head** and *this is the devil who dares criticize the Pope*. The policeman looks like a monkey but big size, the policewoman sounds like a castrated man and the other one like a Peruvian Indian also castrated. Both have signs of brain damaged caused by schizophrenic techniques. Danilo J Bonsignore
From: Fabrizio J Bonsignore on 5 Sep 2009 22:31 No time to prove it, but it doesnt matter, right? if any word is believed... so take it as a whole hypothesis. We already had two extreme solutions, one left behind gorillas as the African solution where only body matters, and chimpancess as the European solution where face is what matters and chimpancees DO mock the human face expresiveness, dont they? These two would be the total equilibrium points for two previous conflicts in which each side won. Messages cross, so Europeans left behind impressive chested gorillas for those who selected (evolutionary) for body-chest, and Africans left behind chimpancess (han-umans) for those who selected (evolutionary) for expressive faecs. And maybe red haired orangutans for very appeased and placid natured red haired people? A single mutation (search, drift) trait making them evident and taken to the extreme by **social** selection, for us to consider later (now) as collateral branches of the human tree left behind and just near extinction, when in fact they are the OUTCOME of social evolution and proceed from us, did not preceded us... Danilo J Bonsignore
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