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From: Dustin Cook on 4 May 2010 02:50 JD <JD(a)example.invalid> wrote in news:Y5GdnWlufcehV0PWnZ2dnUVZ_tKdnZ2d(a)posted.grandecom: > If everybody stopped replying to you, would you continue to just post > and answer your own messages? Why don't we all see what happens? Honestly, I think he would continue posting more conspiracy theories here; even if nobody responded. He might even take the lack of response as indictive that he is correct in his illusions, resulting in even more 'I've proven it' posts. -- "Hrrngh! Someday I'm going to hurl this...hrrngh.. nudge this boulder right down a cliff." - Goblin Warrior
From: ~BD~ on 4 May 2010 03:10 Dustin Cook wrote: > And again, such tactics would eventually land on the wrong machine. Say, > mine for example. My curosity would force me to go digging and > eventually, I *would* find the modifications. Now *that* is exactly what I tried to encourage you to do, Dustin! In particular at and I'm unsure - but Robear Dyer *has* lied. > Many other experts would as > well. A blog site would appear, further experts would examine the site > mentioned and it would just go south for the site/software owner/creator > from that point on. I can hope for nothing more than that someone *will* take an interest and investigate. Most folk are too busy to do as I have done for well over four years now. I've never professed to know much about computers but I do have an ability to sense when things do not ring true. > In a way, checks and balances which is what you seem concerned with do > take place on a daily basis. I'm sure you are right but it seems that such checks and balances are woefully inadequate. The bad guys are winning and cybercrime is still escalating. You saw for yourself, with the recent Times Square incident, that the terrorist threat is still with us. I'd bet next weeks pension that at least a proportion of money stolen on the Internet is directed to fund such activity. I don't like that. Just like the Somali pirates, the Internet bad guys *must* be stopped. FWIW -- Dave
From: Dustin Cook on 4 May 2010 03:18 ~BD~ <BoaterDave(a)> wrote in news:veKdnXKNaNf1VULWnZ2dnUVZ8jSdnZ2d(a) > Dustin Cook wrote: > >> And again, such tactics would eventually land on the wrong machine. Say, >> mine for example. My curosity would force me to go digging and >> eventually, I *would* find the modifications. > > Now *that* is exactly what I tried to encourage you to do, Dustin! You have no need to encourage me to do what I would do naturally anyway. What you asked me to do was get dirt on people you have a personal grudge with; and I will not do that for you. > I can hope for nothing more than that someone *will* take an interest > and investigate. Most folk are too busy to do as I have done for well > over four years now. I've never professed to know much about computers > but I do have an ability to sense when things do not ring true. Your senses are in need of recalibration. The sites you mention have been around for sometime; I'm sure if they were upto no good, someone would have noticed it and been able to demonstrate it to the security community; I am unaware of any of that having taken place. > I'm sure you are right but it seems that such checks and balances are > woefully inadequate. The bad guys are winning and cybercrime is still I disagree. They quickly caught your newly fake account at malwarebytes. No sir, they are on the ball. > Just like the Somali pirates, the Internet bad guys *must* be stopped. Dave, with all due respect, hell will freeze over before you stop a single internet bad guy. I say this because you have no clue who are the good or bad guys and your efforts of PI work are failing miserably. -- "Hrrngh! Someday I'm going to hurl this...hrrngh.. nudge this boulder right down a cliff." - Goblin Warrior
From: JD on 4 May 2010 08:41 ~BD~ wrote: > JD wrote: > >> >> We have a term down here in Texas. It's called "pi$$ing into the wind." >> We try not to do that but sometimes one misjudges the wind direction. >> > > Maybe that's why your still wet behind the ears! ;) Good one, baiter Dave. I give up. You win! -- JD..
From: ~BD~ on 4 May 2010 12:35 JD wrote: > ~BD~ wrote: >> JD wrote: >> >>> >>> We have a term down here in Texas. It's called "pi$$ing into the wind." >>> We try not to do that but sometimes one misjudges the wind direction. >>> >> >> Maybe that's why your still wet behind the ears! ;) > > Good one, baiter Dave. I give up. You win! > Thanks! :) A lesson here for you ........... Quite an appropriate joke in view of the thread posts! ;-) -- Dave
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