From: FatScouser on
>On Jun 4, 1:32=A0pm, "FatScouser" <john.hague(a)>
>> We have some truck suspension, ride-height, and other chassis data
>> Hz) from which we need to extract frequency spectrum information.
>> the problem.
>> Rather than using FFT, which doesn't seem to handle the very few numbers
>> wavelengths due to all the damping going on, I'm looking at the harminv
>> module developed by Prof. Steven G. Johnson (who posts on this forum).
>> module assumes the signal is composed of a finite number of decaying
>> sinusoids - which sounds like it should fit our purposes, but am not
>> sure, so any confidence from you experts would be great!!!
>Dear John,
>With all due respect, what you want frequency spectrum information
>*for*? Surely it is not of interest in itself.
>I do not know the harminv package, but if you are basically dealing
>with superimposed damped harmonic oscillators, then perhaps it is the
>thing. There must be many models of truck behaviour out there: why not
>start with one of those?

Thanks illywhacker (Illy?! Ilya?!)

We're analysing real data but are unsure of the source, so we can't build a
proper model unfortunately. There are only a few assumptions we can make
about the truck and its chassis. (Am I being vague again?)

From: Rafael Deliano on
> We're analysing real data but are unsure of the source,
Coherence function might be usefull. Typical book is:
Bendat, Piersol "Engineering Applications of Correlation and Spectral
Analysis" Wiley 1993

From: illywhacker on
On Jun 4, 2:30 pm, "FatScouser" <john.hague(a)>
> >On Jun 4, 1:32=A0pm, "FatScouser" <john.hague(a)>
> >wrote:
> >> We have some truck suspension, ride-height, and other chassis data
> (0-20
> >> Hz) from which we need to extract frequency spectrum information.
> That's
> >> the problem.
> >> Rather than using FFT, which doesn't seem to handle the very few numbers
> =
> >of
> >> wavelengths due to all the damping going on, I'm looking at the harminv
> >> module developed by Prof. Steven G. Johnson (who posts on this forum).
> Th=
> >at
> >> module assumes the signal is composed of a finite number of decaying
> >> sinusoids - which sounds like it should fit our purposes, but am not
> 100%
> >> sure, so any confidence from you experts would be great!!!
> >Dear John,
> >With all due respect, what you want frequency spectrum information
> >*for*? Surely it is not of interest in itself.
> >I do not know the harminv package, but if you are basically dealing
> >with superimposed damped harmonic oscillators, then perhaps it is the
> >thing. There must be many models of truck behaviour out there: why not
> >start with one of those?
> >illywhacker;
> Thanks illywhacker (Illy?! Ilya?!)
> We're analysing real data but are unsure of the source, so we can't build a
> proper model unfortunately. There are only a few assumptions we can make
> about the truck and its chassis. (Am I being vague again?)

Yes - I am afraid you are. What do you hope to learn from the data
about the truck(s)?
