From: GFH on 5 Sep 2005 22:40 I just did a fresh install on my machine and reinstalled OFFICE XP. Botht he OS and Office have been updated. Whenever I start Word I get the following error "Compile Error in hidden Module: AutoExec" and I get the same error when I shut it down. And when I start up Excel I get "Compile Error...AutoExecNow" and the same error except in "DistMon" Any ideas anyone? Never had any problems before with it.
From: garfield-n-odie on 5 Sep 2005 23:33 The error messages are related to Adobe Acrobat. See "'Compile error in hidden module' error message when you start Word or Excel" for more information. GFH wrote: > I just did a fresh install on my machine and reinstalled OFFICE XP. Botht he > OS and Office have been updated. > Whenever I start Word I get the following error "Compile Error in hidden > Module: AutoExec" and I get the same error when I shut it down. > > And when I start up Excel I get "Compile Error...AutoExecNow" and the same > error except in "DistMon" > > Any ideas anyone? Never had any problems before with it.
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