From: sscnekro on
> with dynamic field indexing:

By the way, many people (including me at some point in the past) are asking in the newsgroup about naming variables in a loop. The usual reply is not to do that, assuming that they are asking about variable1, variable2, etc, which they in fact indeed imagine. I don't need it myself for the moment, but just wonder if creating dynamic field names is in fact not an alternative answer. Correct me, if I'm wrong. But if not, then would it not good if FAQ would take that possibility into account...? But now back to work. Thanks again!!!
From: Jan Simon on
Dear Sscnekro,

> I don't need it myself for the moment, but just wonder if creating dynamic field names is in fact not an alternative answer. Correct me, if I'm wrong. But if not, then would it not good if FAQ would take that possibility into account...?

See section 4.6 of the FAQ:

From: sscnekro on
> See section 4.6 of the FAQ:

You_are_definitely_right, it is there. Honestly I've skimmed that page before submitting the previous post, but *only* skimmed. My apologies wrt FAQ. Strange that I have not adopted dynamic fields referencing immediately. In fact strange that I have not adopted structures immediately. Maybe because the starter is not so much on structures? I jumped to ML without background and certainly without any systematic idea. As soon I get some stuff off the desk, I plan to fetch a guy-expert to go through my codes and tell me on useful things that are there in ML I should definitely be using, but don't as I didn't know of them. Thanks, Jan, have a good day.