From: Spam Killer on 29 Nov 2007 18:24 Hi! I learned a lot about the Windows API while writing this, so I thought I'd share it with you guys. No solver, 'cause you should use your brains to solve 'em, not your CPU. It is just meant to do it on the screen, instead of the paper. Enjoy! Or if you don't, you don't have to tell me, there is enough bitching going on around here! In the Menu Editor: &File [TAB]&Open [TAB]&Save [Empty Line] [TAB]E&xit &Edit [TAB]&Check [TAB]C&lear [WINDOW_WIDTH 225 WINDOW_HEIGHT 225] [M00_Menu 1000 M00_Open 1001 M00_Save 1002 M00_Exit 1003 M00_Check 1004 M00_Clear 1005] [AppName: b$ "Sudoku.", 0] [ClassName: b$ "SKELETON", 0] [StrFilter: b$ 'All files', 0, '*.*', 0, 0] [<32 LoadName: b$ "csod00.txt" b$ 0 #&MAXPATH - 6] [<32 SaveName: b$ "csol00.txt" b$ 0 #&MAXPATH - 12] [Correct: b$ "Correct!", 0 Incorrect: b$ "Incorrect!", 0] [<32 Multiple_of_3: d$ 0010010000] [hOutFile: d$ ? hInFile: d$ ? read: d$ ?] [hWnd: d$ ? hMenu: d$ ? hBlackPen: d$ ? hFont: d$ ?] [<32 chartab: b$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 b$ 0 #192] [<32 colors: d$ 04080ff 0ffff00 0ff00 0808080 0ff0080 0ff 0ff00ff 0c0c0c0 0ffff] [rows: d$ 9 columns: d$ 9] [current_row: d$ 0 current_column: d$ 0] [<32 column_buffer: b$ ' ' #(9*9)] [<32 row_buffer: b$ 0 #(9*9)] [<32 color_buffer: d$ 0 #(9*9)] [<32 rcZells: d$ 0 0 0 0 #256] [<32 wcx: ; WNDCLASSEX @cbSize: d$ len @style: d$ &CS_HREDRAW+&CS_VREDRAW @lpfnWndProc: d$ MainWindowProc @cbClsExtra: d$ 0 @cbWndExtra: d$ 0 @hInstance: d$ 0 @hIcon: d$ 0 @hCursor: d$ 0 @hbrBackground: d$ &COLOR_WINDOW+1 @lpszMenuName: d$ 0 @lpszClassName: d$ ClassName @hIconSm: d$ 0] [psx: ; PAINTSTRUCT @hdc: D$ 0 @fErase: D$ 0 @rcPaint.left: D$ 0 D$ 0 @rcPaint.right: D$ 0 @rcPaint.bottom: D$ 0 @fRestore: D$ 0 @fIncUpdate: D$ 0 @rgbReserved: B$ 0 #32] [rect: ; RECT @left: d$ 0 @top: d$ 0 @right: d$ WINDOW_WIDTH @bottom: d$ WINDOW_HEIGHT] [pnt: ; POINT @x: D$ ? @y: D$ ?] [msg: ; MSG @hwnd: D$ 0 @message: D$ 0 @wParam: D$ 0 @lParam: D$ 0 @time: D$ 0 @pt.x: D$ 0 @pt.y: D$ 0] [<16 clf: ; LOGFONT @lfHeight: D$ 8 @lfWidth: D$ 8 @lfEscapement: D$ 0 @lfOrientation: D$ 0 @lfWeight: D$ &FW_NORMAL @lfItalic: B$ 0 @lfUnderline: B$ 0 @lfStrikeOut: B$ 0 @lfCharSet: B$ &ANSI_CHARSET @lfOutPrecision: B$ &OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS @lfClipPrecision: B$ &CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS @lfQuality: B$ &DEFAULT_QUALITY @lfPitchAndFamily: B$ &DEFAULT_PITCH @lfFaceName: B$ "Fixedsys", 0] [<32 ofn: ; OPENFILENAME @lStructSize: d$ len @hwndOwner: d$ &NULL @hInstance: d$ &NULL @lpstrFilter: d$ StrFilter @lpstrCustomFilter:d$ 0 @nMaxCustFilter: d$ 0 @nFilterIndex: d$ 0 @lpstrFile: d$ 0 @nMaxFile: d$ &MAX_PATH @lpstrFileTitle: d$ 0 @nMaxFileTitle: d$ 0 @lpstrInitialDir: d$ 0 @lpstrTitle: d$ 0 @Flags: d$ &OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST @nFileOffset: W$ 0 @nFileExtension: W$ 0 @lpstrDefExt: d$ 0 @lCustData: d$ 0 @lpfnHook: d$ 0 @lpTemplateName: d$ 0] [hAccel: d$ ?] [accelerators: ; ACCELERATORS @key1: u$ &FVIRTKEY+080 &VK_ESCAPE M00_Exit] [ACCELS 1] Main: fninit call 'comctl32.InitCommonControls' call 'user32.CreateAcceleratorTableA' accelerators, ACCELS mov d$hAccel eax call 'kernel32.GetModuleHandleA' &NULL cmp eax 1 | jc ExitProg | mov d$wcx(a)hInstance eax call 'user32.LoadIconA' &NULL &IDI_APPLICATION cmp eax 1 | jc ExitProg | mov d$wcx(a)hIcon eax call 'user32.LoadCursorA' &NULL &IDC_ARROW cmp eax 1 | jc ExitProg | mov d$wcx(a)hCursor eax call 'user32.LoadMenuA', d$wcx(a)hInstance, M00_Menu mov d$hMenu,eax ; Register the window class for the main window. call 'user32.RegisterClassExA' wcx cmp eax 1 | jc ExitProg call 'user32.AdjustWindowRectEx' rect, &WS_OVERLAPPED+&WS_CAPTION+&WS_SYSMENU+&WS_MINIMIZEBOX, &TRUE &NULL cmp eax 1 | jc ExitProg mov esi d$rect(a)right | sub esi d$rect(a)left mov edi d$rect(a)bottom | sub edi d$rect(a)top call 'user32.GetSystemMetrics' &SM_CXSCREEN sub eax esi | shr eax 1 | mov ebx eax call 'user32.GetSystemMetrics' &SM_CYSCREEN sub eax edi | shr eax 1 ; Create the main window. call 'user32.CreateWindowExA' &NULL ClassName AppName, &WS_OVERLAPPED+&WS_CAPTION+&WS_SYSMENU+&WS_MINIMIZEBOX, ebx eax esi edi, &NULL d$hMenu, d$wcx(a)hInstance &NULL cmp eax 1 | jc ExitProg | mov d$hWnd,eax ; Show the window and paint its contents. call 'user32.ShowWindow' eax &SW_SHOWDEFAULT call 'user32.UpdateWindow' d$hWnd jmp F1> ; Start the message loop. B1: call 'user32.TranslateAcceleratorA' d$hWnd d$hAccel, msg call 'user32.TranslateMessage' msg call 'user32.DispatchMessageA' msg F1: call 'user32.GetMessageA' msg &NULL 0 0 test eax eax | jnz B1 ; Return the exit code to Windows. call 'kernel32.ExitProcess' d$msg(a)wParam ExitProg: call 'user32.DestroyAcceleratorTable' d$hAccel call 'kernel32.GetLastError' call 'kernel32.ExitProcess' eax align 16 proc MainWindowProc: arguments @hWnd @uMsg @wParam @lParam uses ebx esi edi mov eax d(a)uMsg P1: cmp eax &WM_COMMAND | jne P1>> mov eax d(a)wParam P2: cmp ax M00_Exit | je E9>> P2: cmp ax M00_Open | jne P2>> mov d$ofn(a)lpstrfile LoadName call 'comdlg32.GetOpenFileNameA', ofn cmp eax &TRUE | jc P9>> call 'kernel32.CreateFileA', LoadName &GENERIC_READ, &NULL &NULL &OPEN_EXISTING, &FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0 cmp eax &INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE | je E0>> mov d$hInFile eax mov eax d$rows | imul eax d$columns call 'kernel32.ReadFile' d$hInFile column_buffer eax, read 0 cmp eax &TRUE | jne E0>> call 'kernel32.CloseHandle' d$hInFile cmp eax &TRUE | jc P9>> call 'user32.SetCaretPos' 0 0 mov d$current_column 0, d$current_row 0 call 'user32.InvalidateRect' d(a)hWnd rect &TRUE jmp E0>> P2: cmp ax M00_Save | jne P2>> mov d$ofn(a)lpstrfile SaveName call 'comdlg32.GetSaveFileNameA' ofn cmp eax &TRUE | jc P9>> call 'kernel32.CreateFileA', SaveName &GENERIC_WRITE, &NULL &NULL &CREATE_NEW, &FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0 cmp eax &INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE | je E0>> mov d$hOutFile eax mov eax d$rows | imul eax d$columns call 'kernel32.WriteFile' d$hOutFile column_buffer, eax read 0 cmp eax &TRUE | jne E0>> call 'kernel32.CloseHandle' d$hOutFile cmp eax &TRUE | jc P9>> jmp E0>> P2: cmp ax M00_Clear | jne P2> mov ecx d$rows | imul ecx d$columns mov al ' ', edi column_buffer | rep stosb call 'user32.InvalidateRect' d(a)hWnd rect &TRUE jmp E0>> P2: cmp ax M00_Check | jne E1>> L1: call check mov eax Correct | cmovne eax d${d$ Incorrect} call 'user32.MessageBoxA' d(a)hWnd eax {"Error", 0}, &MB_OK jmp E0>> P1: cmp eax &WM_SETFOCUS | jne P1> ; Create a solid black caret. call 'user32.CreateCaret' d(a)hWnd &NULL 25 25 ; Adjust the caret position, in client coordinates. imul esi d$current_column 25 | imul edi d$current_row 25 call 'user32.SetCaretPos' esi edi ; Display the caret. call 'user32.ShowCaret' d(a)hWnd jmp E1>> P1: cmp eax &WM_CREATE | jne P1>> push ebp mov ebp rcZells xor eax eax | xor ebx ebx ; left, top mov ecx 25, edx 25 ; right, bottom mov edi d$rows B1: mov esi d$columns B2: mov d$ebp eax, d$ebp+4 ebx, d$ebp+8 ecx, d$ebp+12 edx add ebp 16 | add eax 25 | add ecx 25 dec esi | jnz B2 xor eax eax | mov ecx 25 add ebx 25 | add edx 25 dec edi | jnz B1 pop ebp call 'gdi32.CreateFontIndirectA' clf mov d$hFont eax call 'gdi32.GetStockObject' &BLACK_PEN mov d$hBlackPen eax mov esi colors, edi color_buffer B0: mov ebx 9 B1: call 'gdi32.CreateSolidBrush' d$esi | add esi 4 mov d$edi eax, d$edi+(3*4) eax, d$edi+(6*4) eax mov d$edi+(27*4) eax, d$edi+(30*4) eax mov d$edi+(33*4) eax, d$edi+(54*4) eax mov d$edi+(57*4) eax, d$edi+(60*4) eax mov ecx 4 bt d$multipleof3 ebx | cmovc ecx d${d$ (6*4)+4} add edi ecx | sub ebx 1 | jnz B1 jmp E0>> P1: cmp eax &WM_KEYDOWN | jne P1>> mov eax d(a)wParam P2: cmp eax &VK_UP | jne P2> mov eax d$current_row | sub eax 1 | js E0>> mov d$current_row eax | jmp F1> P2: cmp eax &VK_DOWN | jne P2> mov eax d$current_row | add eax 1 cmp eax d$rows | jae E0>> mov d$current_row eax | jmp F1> P2: cmp eax &VK_LEFT | jne P2> mov eax d$current_column | sub eax 1 | js E0>> mov d$current_column eax | jmp F1> P2: cmp eax &VK_RIGHT | jne E0>> mov eax d$current_column | add eax 1 cmp eax d$columns | jae E0>> mov d$current_column eax F1: imul esi d$current_column 25 imul edi d$current_row 25 call 'user32.SetCaretPos' esi edi jmp E0>> P1: cmp eax &WM_CHAR | jne P1>> mov eax d(a)wParam, esi d$columns, edi d$rows mov ecx d$current_column, edx d$current_row cmp eax 8 | je F1>> test b$chartab+eax 1 | jz E0>> ; Write the character to the buffer. mov ebx edx | imul ebx esi | add ebx ecx mov b$column_buffer+ebx al ; Increment cursor position. add ecx 1 | cmp ecx esi | jb F3>> | xor ecx ecx add edx 1 | cmp edx edi | jb F3>> | xor edx edx jmp F3>> ; Decrement cursor position. F1: sub ecx 1 | jns F2> | lea ecx d$esi-1 sub edx 1 | jns F2> | lea edx d$edi-1 ; Write a space character to the buffer. F2: mov ebx edx | imul ebx esi | add ebx ecx mov b$column_buffer+ebx ' ' ; Set new row and column and initiate redraw. F3: mov d$current_column ecx, d$current_row edx shl ebx 4 | add ebx rcZells call 'user32.InvalidateRect' d(a)hWnd ebx &TRUE jmp E0>> P1: cmp eax &WM_PAINT | jne P7>> call 'user32.BeginPaint' d(a)hWnd psx call 'user32.HideCaret' d(a)hWnd call 'gdi32.SelectObject' d$psx(a)hdc d$hFont ; Draw the grid. xor ebx ebx mov edi d$rows B1: mov esi d$columns B2: call 'gdi32.SelectObject' d$psx(a)hdc, d$color_buffer+ebx*4 lea eax d$rcZells+ebx*8 | lea eax d$eax+ebx*8 call 'gdi32.Rectangle' d$psx(a)hdc d$eax d$eax+4, d$eax+8 d$eax+12 inc ebx | dec esi | jnz B2 dec edi | jnz B1<< call 'gdi32.CreatePen' &PS_SOLID 4 0 | push eax call 'gdi32.SelectObject' d$psx(a)hdc eax call 'gdi32.MoveToEx' d$psx(a)hdc 74 0 pnt call 'gdi32.LineTo' d$psx(a)hdc 74 225 call 'gdi32.MoveToEx' d$psx(a)hdc 149 0 pnt call 'gdi32.LineTo' d$psx(a)hdc 149 225 call 'gdi32.MoveToEx' d$psx(a)hdc 0 74 pnt call 'gdi32.LineTo' d$psx(a)hdc 225 74 call 'gdi32.MoveToEx' d$psx(a)hdc 0 149 pnt call 'gdi32.LineTo' d$psx(a)hdc 225 149 pop eax | call 'gdi32.DeleteObject' eax ; Fill in the characters. call 'gdi32.SetTextColor' d$psx(a)hdc 0 xor ebx ebx, esi esi, edi edi B1: xor esi esi B2: imul edx edi 25 | add edx 6 imul ecx esi 25 | add ecx 6 lea eax d$ColumnBuffer+ebx call 'gdi32.TextOutA' d$psx(a)hdc ecx edx eax 1 add ebx 1 add esi 1 | cmp esi d$columns | jb B2 | xor esi esi add edi 1 | cmp edi d$rows | jb B1 imul edi d$current_column 25 imul esi d$current_row 25 call 'user32.SetCaretPos' edi esi call 'user32.ShowCaret' d(a)hWnd call 'user32.EndPaint' d(a)hWnd psx jmp E0> P7: cmp eax &WM_DESTROY | jne P8> E9: call 'gdi32.DeleteObject' d$hFont call 'user32.PostQuitMessage' &NULL P8: call 'user32.DefWindowProcA' d(a)hWnd d(a)uMsg, d(a)wParam d(a)lParam jmp P9> E1: mov eax &TRUE | jmp P9> E0: xor eax eax endp align 16 subrt check: mov ecx 9, esi column_buffer S4: mov eax d$esi, ebx d$esi+9, edx d$esi+18 lea eax d$eax+(-6316128)+ebx lea eax d$eax+(-3158064)+edx add ah al | shr eax 8 | add al ah cmp al 45 | jne S2>> ; | add esi 3 mov edi 3 | bt d$Multiple_of_3 ecx | cmovc edi d${d$ 21} add esi edi | dec ecx | jnz S4< mov ecx 9, esi column_buffer S4: mov eax d$esi, ebx d$esi+3, edx d$esi+6 lea eax d$eax+(-6316128)+ebx lea eax d$eax+(-3158064)+edx add ah al | shr eax 8 | add al ah cmp al 45 | jne S2>> | add esi 9 dec ecx | jnz S4<< pxor mm0 mm0 | xor eax eax movq mm1 q${q$ 03030303030303030} mov ecx 9, esi column_buffer S1: paddb mm0 q$esi | add al b$esi+8 | add esi 9 psubb mm0 mm1 | sub al 030 dec ecx | jnz S1 cmp al 02d | jne S2> pcmpeqb mm0 q${q$ 02d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d} | pmovmskb eax mm0 cmp al 0ff S2: ret ends check ;------------------------ ; General purpose macros: ;------------------------ [push | push #1 | #+1] [pop | pop #1 | #+1] [mov | mov #1 #2 | #+2] [inc | inc #1 | #+1] [dec | dec #1 | #+1] [xor | xor #1 #2 | #+2] [movq | movq #1 #2 | #+2] [call | push #L>2 | call #1] [subrt | #1] [ends | nope] [Proc | &1=0 | &2=0 | &3= | #1 | push ebp | mov ebp esp] [Arguments | {#1 Arg#x} | #+1 | &1=SizeOf#x] [Argument | {#1 Arg#x} | #+1 | &1=SizeOf#x] [Local | {#1 Local#x} | #+1 | sub esp SizeOf#x | &2=SizeOf#x] [StrucPtrs | {#3 ebp+#2+#F} | #+2] [Structure | {#1 ebp-&2-4} | sub esp #2+4 | mov D$#1 esp | StrucPtrs 0-&2-#2-4 #L>3] [Uses | push #1>L | &3=pop #L>1] [EndP | P9: | &3 | mov esp ebp | pop ebp | ret &1] [Arg1 ebp+8 Arg2 ebp+12 Arg3 ebp+16 Arg4 ebp+20 Arg5 ebp+24 Arg6 ebp+28 Arg7 ebp+32 Arg8 ebp+36 Arg9 ebp+40 Arg10 ebp+44] [Local1 ebp-4 Local2 ebp-8 Local3 ebp-12 Local4 ebp-16 Local5 ebp-20 Local6 ebp-24 Local7 ebp-28 Local8 ebp-32 Local9 ebp-36 Local10 ebp-40] [SizeOf1 4 SizeOf2 8 SizeOf3 12 SizeOf4 16 SizeOf5 20 SizeOf6 24 SizeOf7 28 SizeOf8 32 SizeOf9 36 SizeOf10 40] -- wfz
From: Frank Kotler on 29 Nov 2007 18:25 Spam Killer wrote: > Hi! > > I learned a lot about the Windows API while writing this, so I thought > I'd share it with you guys. No solver, 'cause you should use your > brains to solve 'em, not your CPU. It is just meant to do it on the > screen, instead of the paper. Herbert already posted a "solver", IIRC. :) > Enjoy! Or if you don't, you don't have to tell me, there is enough > bitching going on around here! Well... I can't test it, but it *looks* like it'd be cool! Hey, "Spam Killer"... do you recall sending me the examples from Jonathan Bartlett's "PGU" book, translated to Nasm? That's something I lost in "the partition mishap" that I haven't recovered. If you've still got that around, could you resend? ( fbkotler(a) If you can't lay your hands on it, no great problem to redo it... Haven't heard from you for a while. Good to see you still "active" in asm! Best, Frank
From: Spam Killer on 29 Nov 2007 20:47 On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 23:25:23 GMT, Frank Kotler wrote: > >Hey, "Spam Killer"... do you recall sending me the examples from >Jonathan Bartlett's "PGU" book, translated to Nasm? That's something I >lost in "the partition mishap" that I haven't recovered. If you've still >got that around, could you resend? If you can't >lay your hands on it, no great problem to redo it... Look into your mail-box. > >Haven't heard from you for a while. Good to see you still "active" in asm! > Thanks! That will never change, I'm hooked to it! BTW.: There are two wraping lines in the code One where the 25 from an imul wraps. And one from a cmovcc where 21} wraps. The latter confuses RosAsm when loaded as source only, and should be fixed before hitting the compile menu option. -- wfz
From: Frank Kotler on 30 Nov 2007 17:38 Spam Killer wrote: > On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 23:25:23 GMT, Frank Kotler wrote: > >>Hey, "Spam Killer"... do you recall sending me the examples from >>Jonathan Bartlett's "PGU" book, translated to Nasm? That's something I >>lost in "the partition mishap" that I haven't recovered. If you've still >>got that around, could you resend? If you can't >>lay your hands on it, no great problem to redo it... > > Look into your mail-box. Presto! Thanks! Lest I lose it again, I've repackaged it to include just the Nasm examples, and stuck it up as: <> The "READDME" I put with it goes like: -------------------------- These are the examples from Jonathan Bartlett's book, "Programming from the Ground Up", which uses Gas syntax, kindly translated to Nasm syntax by Wilhelm Zadrapa. Note that these are for Linux - sorry, Windows users. To make any sense of 'em, you'll want the book: Also available in the "'free' as in 'freeloader'" version: for those not in the bucks. If you'd like to read the book, but "follow along" using Nasm, here are the examples! Thanks Jonathan! Thanks Wilhelm! fbk - 11/30/07 ------------------------ Really appreciate the quick response! Something I meant to do ages ago... Best, Frank
From: Terence on 30 Nov 2007 19:03 I did this In Fortran with ASM text user interface for the grids and colours and screen switching.. Allows input, storing, solving, optional step-by-step, which shows rules applied and second screen of possibilities, progress, optional hints and so on. Runs in DOS or DOS in Windows.
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