From: Darren on
Is there a way to swap the column and row names so that I can click/drag
ascending nunbers horizontally and letters vertically?
From: trip_to_tokyo on
In cells A 1 to A 5 type:-


Highlight the above cells and then Ctrl-C to copy.

Go to cell H 5 (for example).

Home / Paste / Transpose / the numbers 1 to 5 will now appear horizontally.

In cells A 6 to E 6 type:-


Highlight the above cells and then Ctrl-C to copy.

Go to cell K 9 (for example).

Home / Paste / Transpose / the letters a to e will now appear vertically.

I am not sure from your posting if the above is what you want.

If my comments have helped please hit Yes.


"Darren" wrote:

> Is there a way to swap the column and row names so that I can click/drag
> ascending nunbers horizontally and letters vertically?
From: Darren on
Sorry Trip-To-Tokyo, my question was not clear enough. I want to swap the
actual line/column titles so that letter are down and numbers are across. or
have a way of
copying down letter/copying across numbers. But thankyou for the reply.
"trip_to_tokyo" wrote:

> In cells A 1 to A 5 type:-
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> Highlight the above cells and then Ctrl-C to copy.
> Go to cell H 5 (for example).
> Home / Paste / Transpose / the numbers 1 to 5 will now appear horizontally.
> In cells A 6 to E 6 type:-
> abcde
> Highlight the above cells and then Ctrl-C to copy.
> Go to cell K 9 (for example).
> Home / Paste / Transpose / the letters a to e will now appear vertically.
> I am not sure from your posting if the above is what you want.
> If my comments have helped please hit Yes.
> Thanks.
> "Darren" wrote:
> > Is there a way to swap the column and row names so that I can click/drag
> > ascending nunbers horizontally and letters vertically?