From: Keyma Prince on

I am plotting data using symbols with errorbars. I increased the linewidth of the symbols but the linewidth did not increase when the symbols are displayed in the legend. This only occurs when I use the errorbars. If I remove the errorrbars the symbols are represented correctly in the legend. I tried using the legend for the handle to increase the linewidth but this only changes the thickness of the line around the legend.

Has anyone experienced the same problem? Any suggestions for a fix?


I included the code i'm using below:

data = dlmread('re/beta-065.dat');
L = zeros(6,1);
U = data(:,6);
h1 = errorbar(data(1:4,2)/10, data(1:4,4)*1000,L(1:4,1)*1000,U(1:4,1)*1000,'ro','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','r');
hold on
h2 = errorbar(data(5:6,2)/10, data(5:6,4)*1000,L(5:6,1)*1000,U(5:6,1)*1000,'ro','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',10);
hold off

h3 = legend('${\it\lambda}$ = 0.50 ; ${\it\beta}$ = 0.030','${\it\lambda}$ = 1.00 ; ${\it\beta}$ = 0.030',...
'${\it\lambda}$ = 0.67 ; ${\it\beta}$ = 0.040','${\it\lambda}$ = 1.00 ; ${\it\beta}$ = 0.040',...
'${\it\lambda}$ = 0.33 ; ${\it\beta}$ = 0.065','${\it\lambda}$ = 0.38 ; ${\it\beta}$ = 0.065',...
set(h3,'Interpreter','latex','FontSize',21,'FontName','Times New Roman')