From: Mandeep Singh on 21 Apr 2010 11:13 Hello everyone, I have been writing a code to do Legendre-Gauss Quadrature. In order to get the weights and the roots, I need to solve Legendre polynomials. The problem I am having is that after n = 6, the system produces some answers with a very small imaginary component. For n >= 7, the system does not produce the answers at all. function [Pnx Roots weights] = symle(n) format long syms x j = n; n2 = n - 1; j2 = n2; Pn = ((2^j*factorial(j)))^(-1)*(subs((diff('(x^2-1)^j','x',j)),'j',n)); %Rodrigues' formula Pnp = factor(diff(Pn,'x')); Pnx = factor(simplify((Pn))); Roots1 = solve((Pnx)); Roots = factor(simplify(real(Roots1))); Pn_1 = subs(((1/(2^(j2)*factorial(j2)))*diff('(x^2-1)^(j2)','x',j2)),'j2',n2); weights = factor(real((2)./(n*subs(Pn_1,Roots).*subs(Pnp,'x',Roots)))); Also, the way results are displayed is really bad as well. I want decimal answers or reduced fractions, but what I get is a mess with cosines and sines. Example: [a b c] = (symle(3)) a = (x*(5*x^2 - 3))/2 b = 0 -15^(1/2)/5 15^(1/2)/5 c = 2^3*3^(-2) 5*3^(-2) 5*3^(-2) This is the result at n = 3. This is exactly what I want. If you go ahead and use n = 7 or 8, the difference is huge. Anyone know what I can do? Thanks!
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