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From: Martin on
Dear group,

I try to solve a problem using the symbolic toolbox of matlab. the site version is 2009b.
While a similar example with less equations is solved properly, the code below exits with the error:

Warning: Explicit solution could not be found.
> In solve at 81
In rodney at 8

S =

[ empty sym ]


I know that this was a common problem in the old MuPad versions, but since I have one example working, I wonder what is wrong with this one. Could someone please have a look at the code, it might be something obviously wrong with it and I just do not see it in the moment...

Best Regards

clear all

syms h3p h2p hp p c coh cp chp ch2p...
chp2s m mp moh mhp mh2p h oh ct...
pt mt ksp ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl;

S = solve('ka=h2p*h/h3p',...
Pages: 1
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