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From: Al on 7 Mar 2010 12:00 I am using filtering to find the system response of a linear difference equation, y[n+1]-1.01y[n]=x[n+1]. The input will be x[n] = 500u[n]-1500delta[n-4]. Delta is an impulse function. I am not sure how to set up the inline function (4th line from bottom) to handle the delta term, -1500delta[n+1]. Are the coefficients, a and b, set up correctly? clear;clc;close all % clear memory, command window, close figures % Find h[n] a=[1, -1.01]; % y coefficients for y[n+1]-1.01y[n]=x[n+1] b=[1, 0] % coefficients input x[n+1] n=[0:30]; % desired range of n values % Set input to a delta function, x[n] = delta[n] delta=inline('n==0','n'); % n==0 is 1 when n is 0 and 0 otherwise % Compute the output y[n] = h[n] because the input is a delta function. h=filter(b,a,delta(n)); figure; % create a new blank figure window stem(n,h,'k') % plot using a stemplot with black lines xlabel('n');ylabel('h[n]');title('Impulse Response'); % Find the zero-state response (zero initial conditions) when the % input is x[n] = 500u[n]-1500delta[n-4] % NOT SURE IF THIS IS CORRECT-1500 IS AN IMPULSE[N-4] x = inline('500.*(n+1)-1500.*(n-4).*(n>=0)','n'); y = filter(b,a,x(n)); figure; stem(n,y,'k') xlabel('n');ylabel('y[n] (zero-state)');title('Zero-State Response'); |