From: CharlesL on 13 Apr 2010 17:47 Hello, I am working on some code off a blog to use sql-mail to send email notifications to users - the issue I have is in these two sections: -- eMail Variables -- DECLARE @email_subject nvarchar(1000) DECLARE @email_body nvarchar(max) SET @email_subject = N'Fleet Notification - Vehicle Maintenance Due' SET @email_body = N'To: {0}, Please note that the following vehicle(s) are due for maintenance: Vehicle ID: {1} PM Letter: {2} PM Type Due: {3}' -- eMail Variables (END) -- BEGIN --- SET @pbody = REPLACE(@email_body, '{0}', @Operator) SET @pbody = REPLACE(@email_body, '{1}', @Vehicle) SET @pbody = REPLACE(@email_body, '{2}', @PM_letter) SET @pbody = REPLACE(@email_body, '{3}', @PM_desc) Basically, I want to replace the 0, 1, 2 and 3 with the operator and approp. vehicle infomation. The blog didn't list the original author, so I'm a little stuck on modifying this - can anyone assist? Here's the cursor code in it's entirety: USE [TEST_DB_EMAIL] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SendEmailCursor] Script Date: 04/13/2010 13:07:46 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROC [dbo].[SendEmailCursor] AS -- eMail Variables -- DECLARE @email_subject nvarchar(1000) DECLARE @email_body nvarchar(max) SET @email_subject = N'Fleet Notification - Vehicle Maintenance Due' SET @email_body = N'To: {0}, Please note that the following vehicle(s) are due for maintenance: Vehicle ID: {1} PM Letter: {2} PM Type Due: {3}' -- eMail Variables (END) -- -- Cursor Variables -- DECLARE @Vehicle varchar(50); DECLARE @PM_letter varchar(50); DECLARE @PM_desc nvarchar(50); DECLARE @Status nvarchar(50); DECLARE @Operator nvarchar(50); DECLARE @Email nvarchar(50); -- Cursor Variables (END) -- DECLARE @pbody nvarchar(max) ------------------ CURSOR eMail -------------------- DECLARE eMailCursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT Vehicle, PM_letter, PM_desc, Status, Operator, Email FROM samplepm WHERE emailsent = 0 OPEN eMailCursor FETCH NEXT FROM eMailCursor INTO @Vehicle, @PM_letter, @PM_desc, @Status, @Operator, @Email WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --- SET @pbody = REPLACE(@email_body, '{0}', @Operator) SET @pbody = REPLACE(@email_body, '{1}', @Vehicle) SET @pbody = REPLACE(@email_body, '{2}', @PM_letter) SET @pbody = REPLACE(@email_body, '{3}', @PM_desc) EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = N'Server Database Mail', @recipients = @email, @subject = @email_subject, @body = @pbody UPDATE samplepm SET emailsent = 1, sentdate = GetDate() WHERE Vehicle = @Vehicle --- FETCH NEXT FROM eMailCursor INTO @Vehicle, @PM_letter, @PM_desc, @Status, @Operator, @Email END CLOSE eMailCursor DEALLOCATE eMailCursor ------------------ CURSOR eMail (END) --------------------
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