Announcing MikroConf: A Cisco-like Router Administration Interfacewritten in Tcl MikroConf is a command-line administration interface for embedded Linux devices, similar to those found in commercial routers. In other words, you can do things like: Router> en Router# conf term Router(config)# hostname TclTk TclTk(config)# end TclTk# write TclTk# show run … MikroConf is not ... 14 Mar 2010 07:36
Is anybody use tclVFS? Hello, All! Is anybody use tclVFS? I've tried to use it in one project to upload data to ftp site. It looks like there are some bugs. It seams to me that project website is half down. There are to small activity. So the question: Should I use it or will be better to switch to ftp package? In this case it wil... 14 Mar 2010 05:27
instructor's solutions manual for Antennas for All Applications (3rd Ed., John Kraus & Ronald Marhefka) I have solutions manuals for the scientific textbooks .. They are all in PDF format .. If you are interested in any one, simply send me an email to macmorino(at)gmail(dot)com .. Please this service is NOT free. Here are solutions manuals to some titles.. Instructor's solutions manual for A Course in Modern Mat... 13 Mar 2010 16:28
Regular expression library from Google W po�cie <98c29a1c-6d98-4358-8959-49ac6d36a208(a)>, Jeff Hobbs nabazgra�: C++? Oh, why ... Because, well, that's what Google uses. BTW, they key advantage they discuss is one that Spencer already had written into Tcl's RE, the effects of which can be seen in the link Coli... 12 Mar 2010 18:25
Simple help with variable of variable Hello tcl gurus I'm sure that the question has already been asked a lot of times, but it's difficult to find the right syntax to find an answer to my question So I ask it again #let following variable. set a(3) "My variable" # Now another way set index "(3)" set base "a" set var $base$index puts $var... 12 Mar 2010 17:18
building Tkpng package Hi, I am trying to build a package called Tkpng, which depends on zlib. But, when I extracted the files from the .tgz file for this package, it does not contain zlib folder. Have you experienced any issue like this? Do you know where one can get zlib files? On make, it is complaining: tkImgPNG.c generic\... 23 Mar 2010 07:49
Playing a sound in WIndows There's a machine in my lab (aerospace outfit) that is running Linux and is being used to control a bunch of lab-equipment. The machine will be replaced with a windows box (Linux isn't allowed any more for "security reasons". I won't comment on that.) So I'm porting the software on there. Piece of cake for the ... 12 Mar 2010 22:52
ncgi is working with tcl 8.6? Hi all. I have the following script that works with tcl 8.5 but not with 8.6 (nothing is showed in the browser). It only happens when a script use the ncgi package. The url is something like "http://foo.tcl?page=1". package require ncgi ::ncgi::parse ::ncgi::header set page [ncgi::value p... 12 Mar 2010 09:24
regexp matching I need to use regexp to extract a string in the following varying formats: 851.1000 35.20 1145.20 21.1 There is always a . in the string with a number before and after the decimal. Using regexp how can a find a match if the . is in the string? set x 851.1000 regexp {\d\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\} $x output will ... 11 Mar 2010 16:50
Call For Ideas - GSoC/Tcl 2010 Hi all. As we seem to have found our admin and backup-admin for handling the Tcl Community's application to GSoC 2010 it is now also the time to look over our page of ideas for 2010, i.e. and spruce it up a bit. Prospective mentors and students (and anybody else actually), * i... 11 Mar 2010 13:24 |