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TLS -cadir and 8.4
I'm using tls and -cadir to connect to MSN servers. Using 8.5 will connect just fine, but using 8.4 wont connect because it wont find cert files. I was wondering if there is any reason of why could this be happening, and how can I fix it. Thanks ... 29 Apr 2010 18:03
ActiveSate tcl 8.5 strange behavior Ubuntu 8.4
Hello, All! I've found a strange behavior of ActiveState tcl 8.5.: When I start tclsh8.5 it create file in current directory with crazy name ???@???@8 And it did not remove it when I exit with "exit" command. Any Ideas what could it be? ... 29 Apr 2010 13:31
Bug in sqlite3?
Hi TCLers, I've a strange problem with sqlite3: % package require sqlite3 3.6.13 % sqlite3 dbh ./filedb % set res [dbh exists {SELECT * FROM ftab WHERE 1=0}] no such table: ftab % puts $res can't read "res": no such variable % info patchlevel 8.5.7 % From the sqlite docs ( The... 26 Apr 2010 16:03
"string is dict"? How to get that?
Hi everyone! The docs about Tcl 8.5 "dict" don't tell me about errors which could be returned from "dict exists". However, I keep getting "missing value to go with key" with a code snippet like this: # "arg" is supposed to be a string, but it might happen that it comes as a dict, because the # procedure recei... 28 Apr 2010 18:34
Recommended parser / lexer generator?
Dear list, sorry for starting a new thread related to another one, but I thought the header of this one: would be misleading. I am looking for a combination of lexer / parser generator that 1) outputs a Tcl parser / Lexer (of ... 26 Apr 2010 17:11
Running interactive script
Hi, I have an interactive script (non-TCL) that I would like to run from within a TCL program. more specifically, I'm working under Linux OS and would like to run "top" from my TCL program, can it be done? I'm new in TCL but have already looked at many wiki and Forums sites, still I could not find an answer..... 25 Apr 2010 12:08
How to exec a complicated command?
$ wget --no-check-certificate --secure-protocol=SSLv3 --post- data="userid=USERID&passws=PASSWD" -O /tmp/junk.log https://123.456.789.123 /tmp/wget.log 2>&1 The wget command above works from a shell prompt, but when I tried the following in tcl, it failed. % set cmd "wget --no-check-certificate --secure-prot... 26 Apr 2010 05:51
setting tab width in tkcon
I didn't find an option for the tab width while using the tkcon's edit function and a standard spacing of 8 characters is too much. My quick and dirty solution: I added to the copy of tkcon the following line in the procedure edit for a tab length of 2: -tabs "[expr {2 * [font measure $::tkcon::OPT(font) 0... 26 Apr 2010 12:36
wikit on Mac OS 10.5.8
I tried to install wikit.kit as a local wiki on a collegues computer with Mac OS 10.5.8. using the tclkit download form david zolli tclkit- cli-darwin-univ. I ran into the problems that: a) initializing the empty wikit.tkd databas was not possible. Copying an empty file from another system brougth the wiki up b) w... 23 Apr 2010 20:51
sending email with smtp package
I am trying to use smtp package and with different smtp servers I fail. Seems like smtp package does not work in the modern spam terrified world. my code: package require tls package require mime package require smtp set userName test ser password test set token [::mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -... 26 Apr 2010 06:56
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