From: Marvin the Martian on
On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 08:46:22 -0800, erschroedinger(a) wrote:

> On Jan 12, 8:43 pm, Marvin the Martian <mar...(a)> wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:55:45 -0800, erschroedin...(a) wrote:
>> > So where is the CO2 coming from if not from fossil fuel emissions?
>> Carbonate rock. You AGW frauds claim that corals are dissolving.
>> Indeed, they are! And if calcium carbonate in corals are dissolving,
>> releasing CO2, that means that limestone is also dissolving and giving
>> up massive amounts of CO2.
>> Simple chemistry: what determines the amount of CO2 in a solution in
>> contact with carbonate rock?
> The pressure of CO2 above the solution, for one. Henry's Law.

No. You're presuming that there is CO2 above the solution. I could have a
completely filled flask with no gas in it.

You're trying to NOT understand the chemistry.

> Rock is a solid. Solids don't appear in equilibrium expressions. Simple
> chemistry.

Yes, thus the only thing that determines the concentration of CO2 in the
water is temperature, since the equilibrium constant is K = [ CO2_water]

You really don't get simple chemistry, do you?

So, the amount of CO2 in the water is DETERMINED BY TEMPERATURE ALONE.
The amount of CO2 in the air is determined by the constant K2 = [CO2_air]/
[CO2_water]. [CO2_water] is determined by temperature alone. Add more CO2
and it precipitates out. Take out CO2 and carbonate rock will dissolve.

>> > Again, not the oceans -- they're gaining, not losing CO2.
>> That's proof that it's coming from carbonate rock.
> No, the CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing by only half the CO2 fossil
> fuel burning produces, so the rest is going into sinks, including the
> ocean.

Gibberish and junk science!! There is no magical way for the ocean to
reject the 5.5 GtCarbon fossil fuel CO2 while accepting the 90 GtCarbon
of "natural" CO2.

This bullshit and lies were fabricated isotope studies and the implicit
assumption that the only source of sequestered carbon dioxide is from
fossil fuels. That's utter bullshit!! The carbonate rock are also a VAST
supply of sequestered carbon.

> If carbonate rock starts to dissolve, it will be because the
> oceans have become acidic, something you denialists claim cannot happen.

Um... buffered system means nothing to you, does it?

From: Bruce Richmond on
On Jan 13, 11:46 am, "erschroedin...(a)"
<erschroedin...(a)> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 8:43 pm, Marvin the Martian <mar...(a)> wrote:
> > On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:55:45 -0800, erschroedin...(a) wrote:
> > > So where is the CO2 coming from if not from fossil fuel emissions?
> > Carbonate rock. You AGW frauds claim that corals are dissolving. Indeed,
> > they are! And if calcium carbonate in corals are dissolving, releasing
> > CO2, that means that limestone is also dissolving and giving up massive
> > amounts of CO2.
> > Simple chemistry: what determines the amount of CO2 in a solution in
> > contact with carbonate rock?
> The pressure of CO2 above the solution, for one.  Henry's Law.
> Rock is a solid.  Solids don't appear in equilibrium expressions.
> Simple chemistry.
> > > Again, not the oceans -- they're gaining, not losing CO2.
> > That's proof that it's coming from carbonate rock.
> No, the CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing by only half the CO2
> fossil fuel burning produces, so the rest is going into sinks,
> including the ocean.  If carbonate rock starts to dissolve, it will be
> because the oceans have become acidic, something you denialists claim
> cannot happen.
> >You humans never made
> > enough CO2 to put a dent in the massive amount of CO2 in the oceans.
> > >  And where is
> > > all the CO2 from fossil fuel emissions going?  That adds up to twice the
> > > atmospheric CO2 increase.
> > Carbonate rocks also provide sequestered carbon.
> Only come back out into the ocean if the oceans become acidic.

Let's see, the CO2 we added to the air caused the ocean to become more
acidic, which disolved carbonate rocks, which released more CO2, which
makes the ocean more acidic. OH NO, a positive feedback loop! It's
out of control! All carbonate rocks are going to disolve. WE'RE ALL
From: Sirius on
On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 08:08:26 -0800, erschroedinger(a) wrote :

>> Why is CO2 in atmosphere increasing ? Hint : slight ocean temperature
>> increase, and the solubility of carbon dioxide & oxygen increases with
>> decreasing temperatures.
> Which would mean the oceans would be LOSING CO2 and they're gaining it.
> Why are you this dense?
> And all the gigatons of CO2 fossil fuel burning just disppears into
> another universe?

CaCO3 is a stone.
Houses in my surrounding used to be build with stones with fossil sea
shells inclusions. Most mountains are made of calcareous stone that were
previously in the ocean beads.

>> >> And much more, as you could calculate by yourself with the IR
>> >> absorbtion spectrum, the Beeer-Lambert law and the Stefan-Boltzman
>> >> law, even in the worst case, CO2 cannot cause more than a less than
>> >> 1K temperature increase.
>> > Sorry, you keep forgetting about feedbacks, from increased water
>> > vapor, to decreased ice cover (and so albedo change).
>> Only suggested by computer models with built in feedbacks.
> No, required by laws of thermodynamics, spectroscopy, kinetics, etc.

Any reference ?

Computer models showing an amplifiying GH effect have just a built in
feed back with no real justification.

>> Feed back proven by the model designer, not by actual data.