From: Inverse 19 mathematics on
With the clear posting of the rules of Prime number distribution and
the very definitative segregation of Supporting Prime numbers(your
Pseudo Primes) and the very definite place ment of all prime numbers
without exception in continuous sets of 36 , This mystery is
completly solved, and the "wizard Riemann "is exposed in his box,
there is no mystery , Prime numbers are perfectly predictable ,
sievable, placeable and the First prime number is 1(1/6=0.16666666)
and the Last prime number / supporting prime is N+0.8333333. For a
review the 36x1set is again contructed.

Our Rythm alogarithm for all prime numbers will be unveiled in 29
days, you are invited, done by simple "farm boys"-- or is it always
the pretty ones that find love?

" Ding dong the witch is dead!" . Now mathematicians do not make a
fool of your selves by cussing us and calling us names, we are the
ones that freed you from the unnecccesary complex convoluted mystery
of Prime numbers. The witch is dead , we killed it. join us in
celebration and find more mysteries to solve.
