From: Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True Geology on 9 Jun 2010 09:21 TRIAD OF INFAMY Or, the 3 replies from WA Premier Barnett to Australia Mining Pioneer Jean-Paul Turcaud First answer Premier of Western Australia Our ref: 200908440/SE Mr J P Turcaud 20 Avenue des Guiardes 17000 La Rochelle France Dear Mr Turcaud I am in receipt of your correspondence of October 14, 2009 I note that the matter of the discovery of Telfer mine has been considered by several Governments over the years and your latest letter has resulted in further review of Governments files. Although this review has not established a direct relationship with the discovery of gold at Telfer, your important contributions to mineral exploration in Western Australia have been recognized and are on public record. I draw your attention to the Geological Survey Report 97 (2005) which states " in October 1970, prospector Jean- Paul Turcaud was the first to discover mineralization in the area when he found copper in gossanous outcrops" The report is available free of charge from the departmental website ( http// under Geological Survey of Western Australia, Products. Yours sincerely "signature" Colin Barnett MLA PREMIER 16 Dec 2009 Second Answer Premier of Western Australia Our ref: 24-23772/NH Mr Jean-Paul Turcaud 20 Avenue des Guiardes 17000 La Rochelle France Dear Mr Turcaud Thank you for your letter dated 14 January 2010 I am pleased that you feel the Geological Survey Report ( GSWA Report 9, 2005) is affording you due recognition as being the first prospector to report copper mineralisation in the Telfer area. You may be aware that Bob Sheppard has recently written to me on your behalf He indicated that he had some further suggestions for how you may be recognised. I understand that Mr Sheppard intends to arrange a meeting with the Director of the Geological Survey to outline his ideas. I am sure that Mr Sheppard will keep you informed of any developments. Yours sincerely. "signature" Colin Barnett MLA PREMIER 26 Mar 2010 Third Answer Premier of Western Australia Our ref: 24-30878; 24-30432 Mr Jean-Paul Turcaud 20 Avenue des Guiardes 17000 La Rochelle France Dear Mr Turcaud Thank you for your correspondence in which you have outlined your views in respect to the events that led to the discovery of Telfer gold deposit. Mr Sheppard has chronicled events surrounding and following the discovery in his book The Golden Rule. Readers of Mr Sheppard 's book will draw their own conclusions concerning the extent of your involvement in the discovery of the mineralisation in the Telfer area. The issues you raise are primarily between you and private companies or individuals , and in some cases, the passage of time has probably erased memories of events. I am unable to offer any further suggestions on how to progress this matter from the Government's perspective and therefore, I do not intend to enter into any further correspondence concerning your claims relating to the discovery of Telfer. Yours sincerely Signature Colin Barnett MLA PREMIER 17 May 2010
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