From: Pasha on 3 Mar 2010 20:03 Hi All! I'm trying to create a query that does a real transpose similar to Excel function - it is slightly different from Pivot/Unpivot functionality of SQL Server. Basically, I have a date dimension table and I need to list corresponding dates, separated by coma for each month. So, for January 2010, my results would be something like this: Month Dates 2010-01 01/01/2010, 01/02/2010, 01/03/2010...01/31/2010 What would be a way to achieve this? Thanks, Pasha
From: Plamen Ratchev on 3 Mar 2010 22:04 Seems you just need to concatenate the date. Here is method using FOR XML PATH: SELECT DISTINCT A.[month], STUFF(C.dates, 1, 1, '') AS dates FROM Foo AS A CROSS APPLY(SELECT ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), B.[date], 101) FROM Foo AS B WHERE B.[month] = A.[month] ORDER BY B.[date] FOR XML PATH('')) AS C(dates); -- Plamen Ratchev
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