From: Inverse 19 mathematics on
Now that the about 170 million prime numbers are proved to be
absoltly without error , Hope research will now produce 2 billion
numbers to confirm its proof that , correct placement of Prime numbers
is the issue, and that it is absolutly stupid of current mathematics
to be convoluted into bigger and bigger prime numbers, and produce all
these convoluted primality alogarithm, when primality can be confirmed
by" placement alogarithms" of Hope research at -1 tangent.

These two billion numbers will be independantly generated within a
few months, or earlier if we get credible help or partnering. Any one
credible willing to partner higher numbers, please respond by fax at
715 257 7575

Hope Research
From: Dann Corbit on
In article <33a71a5d-152d-4ba8-a372-2b1d63125d01>, hope9900(a) says...
> Now that the about 170 million prime numbers are proved to be
> absoltly without error , Hope research will now produce 2 billion
> numbers to confirm its proof that , correct placement of Prime numbers
> is the issue, and that it is absolutly stupid of current mathematics
> to be convoluted into bigger and bigger prime numbers, and produce all
> these convoluted primality alogarithm, when primality can be confirmed
> by" placement alogarithms" of Hope research at -1 tangent.
> These two billion numbers will be independantly generated within a
> few months, or earlier if we get credible help or partnering. Any one
> credible willing to partner higher numbers, please respond by fax at
> 715 257 7575

A few months?

A wheel sieve or Aitkin's sieve can produce two billion prime values in
a few seconds. Here is a run to compute all prime values between 2 and
100 billion:

C:\math\sieve\ecprime>ecprime 100000000000

primes: 4118054813
time: 62.623 sec

There are a bit over 4 billion of them, and it took about one minute.

Here is the same computation with Bernstein and Aitkin's sieve:
4118054813 primes up to 100000000000.
Timings are in ticks. Nanoseconds per tick: approximately 1.000000.
Overall seconds: approximately 266.044000.
Tick counts may be underestimates on systems without hardware tick

Took less than 5 minutes. Notice that both totals agree exactly.
The correctness of this count can be verified by examination of this

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