From: Themis Matsoukas on
Apparently, when there are consecutive TeXform commands on the same cell separated by carriage return, only the last one produces an output. This does not happen with TraditionalForm. I seem to remember that in previous versions of mathematica this was not the case (I am on 7.0.0, Mac version). Is this a known bug?

TeXForm[a + b]
TeXForm[a - b]



TraditionalForm[a + b]
TraditionalForm[a - b]





From: Bill Rowe on
On 7/28/10 at 2:52 AM, tmatsoukas(a) (Themis Matsoukas) wrote:

>Apparently, when there are consecutive TeXform commands on the same
>cell separated by carriage return, only the last one produces an
>output. This does not happen with TraditionalForm. I seem to
>remember that in previous versions of mathematica this was not the
>case (I am on 7.0.0, Mac version). Is this a known bug?

>TeXForm[a + b]
>TeXForm[a - b]


Whether the inconsistency between the output obtained above with
TeXForm and the output obtained when TraditionalForm is used in
the same manner should be considered a bug or not, I'll leave to
others. It does seem to me a more convenient way to getting a
series of TeXForm outputs would be:

In[2]:= TeXForm /@ {a - b, a/b, a + b}

Out[2]= {a-b,\frac{a}{b},a+b}

which clearly does what it should. I see this as more convenient
since it takes several fewer keystrokes to get the desired output.