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Terminal Server stopped working...
I have been using this server for about 6 months with no problem. I tried to log into Terminal Server yesterday and I receive the following message: To log on to this remote computer, you must have Terminal Server User Access permissions on this computer. By default, members of hte Remote Desktop group he thes... 11 Sep 2005 10:55
"You do not have access to logon to this session" on domain controller
After promoting our server (Windows 2003) to a domain controller, we are no longer able to log into Terminal Services with any user other than the domain administrator account. We have tried adding other users to all the AD admin groups, and they still cannot access it. They receive the message "you do not have... 2 Sep 2005 14:42
Connection Problems
Hi, I am testing my terminal server via Web remote desktop, to avoid problems with the firewall. However, my connection attempts fail, and I get this error box: (Title:) VBScript : remote desktop disconnected The Client couldn't establish a connection to the remote computer. Maybe the remote connections ar... 29 Jun 2005 09:28
2003 TS Login Problem
Ever since I've installed SP1 on my 2003 servers I get an error message when trying to RDP in. The error is "You do not have the proper encryption level to access this session". I have changed all the settings for RDP on the server and even installed the latest version of RDP on my computer (XP Pro). If anyone ... 17 Jun 2005 15:01
tsadmin doesnt show some servers
Recently I have noticed that some of my servers with ts in remote admin enabled are not showing up in the tsadmin tool. Some of them I can select action-->connect to computer but they will show up as "you could not be authenticated on this server" is there some setting on the computer that I can change to chang... 14 Jun 2005 21:02
System stops and reboot occasionally after installing W2K3 SP1
After installing SP1 on my 2 Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, running terminal services in App Mode, they have both stopped and rebooted several times. In 8 weeks time there has been 4-5 such incidents per server. In the system event log: Event ID: 1001 The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. Th... 8 Jun 2005 19:23
problem accessing TS
Hi All, I am experiencing some strange problems with my Terminal Server. Everything was running ok, but this morning, when users went to logon, they get a dialog box saying "To logon on to this remote computer, you must have Terminal Server User Access permissions on this computer. By default, members of the... 17 May 2005 16:14
Default Printers
We have a 2003 TS and 10 networked printers. The printers are setup on the TS via IP address ports. Some users complain that they loose their default printer. I their a script I can use set the clients default printers at logon? Thanks ... 14 May 2005 09:19
Is it possible to limit rdp/ts connection to Console only in Windows 2003?
I know I could connect to the console of a 2003 server using mstsc /v:MACHINENAME /console however; is it possible to allow only ONE console connections remotely, just like How Windows XP behave, in windows server 2003? as I wouldn't like 2 administrator login to the same machine, 1 from console, 1 remote on... 8 May 2005 10:19
Application hang
I am running Windows 2003 standard server with Terminal Services and we have loaded MS-Office 2000 on it I am gettting followign error Hanging application EXCEL.EXE, version, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000. Hanging application explorer.exe, version 6.0.3790.0, hang mo... 2 May 2005 19:16
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