From: Ulick Magee on
houghi wrote:
> As a random side question, when do you leave your house with that paper?

Never, but it should be less risky than having your ATM card in your wallet.

Both rely on 'something you have' and 'something you know' - but on an
ATM card, the 'something you know' PIN is readable from the magnetic
strip with equipment commonly available to criminals.

The online system needs an online account number (not the same as
account number) and a PIN (not the same as ATM PIN) and then you have to
have the online banking card in your possession to enter the correct
response to the challenge.

If I have a desperate need to find out how little money I have when I'm
out, I use their telephone banking service, which relies on just a
(different again) account number and a (different) PIN.


Ulick Magee

Free software and free formats for free information for free people.
Open Office for Windows/OSX/Linux:
openSUSE Linux:
From: Ulick Magee on
DenverD wrote:
> do i understand you bank with Danske Bank and need english
> instructions? well...i can't find it...i went through the same a
> couple of years ago...first you must get them to give you the little
> electro key code maker, and you must have ONE particular SUN
> java....two years ago it was the older of two in the openSUSE 10.3
> would not work with the newer release..

Well I finally got this working.

Post 2 in Thread:

"I suggest you open the Yast / Software Management and then search for
Java. Make sure you are loading Sun Java 1_6_0 Sun, Sun-Alsa and
Sun-Plugin. Further, if you find any version of Java labeled as openjdk I
suggest you remove it as it seems to cause Sun Java to not work."

I already had java-1_6_0-sun but not java-1_6_0-sun-alsa or
java-1_6_0-sun-plugin, installed those two with Yast and now my banking
works, both on a 32-bit 11.3 VM and on 64-bit 11.1 (using 32-bit Firefox
and java packages.)



Ulick Magee

Free software and free formats for free information for free people.
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