From: Shane on 8 Feb 2010 20:16 How do apply the scroll or blinking feature to text that you want to emphasize in a word document. Prior to MS2007 there was a feature on the fonts tab that allowed a user to apply the following features to text "marching ants, blinking text, scrolling marquee, etc. I cannot find the any of these features anywhere in Word 2007. "HELP"
From: Graham Mayor on 9 Feb 2010 02:19 There is no direct access to them, but they are still available by macro I posted the following macro recently, for use in Word 2007 Sub AnimateFont() Dim sAnimation As String If Len(Selection.Range) = 0 Then MsgBox "Select text first!", vbCritical, "No Text Selected" Exit Sub End If sAnimation = InputBox("Which animation? Enter the number: " & vbCr & _ " 1. Blinking Background" & vbCr & _ " 2. Las Vegas Lights" & vbCr & _ " 3. Marching Black Ants" & vbCr & _ " 4. Marching Red Ants" & vbCr & _ " 5. Shimmer" & vbCr & _ " 6. Sparkle Text" & vbCr & _ " 0. None", "Font animation") Select Case sAnimation Case 1: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationBlinkingBackground Case 2: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationLasVegasLights Case 3: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationMarchingBlackAnts Case 4: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationMarchingRedAnts Case 5: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationShimmer Case 6: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationSparkleText Case 0: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationNone Case Else: End Select End Sub -- <>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<> Graham Mayor - Word MVP My web site Word MVP web site <>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<> "Shane" <Shane(a)> wrote in message news:3EE7309C-FDFA-4B2D-816C-25F7D0E1F0FF(a) > How do apply the scroll or blinking feature to text that you want to > emphasize in a word document. Prior to MS2007 there was a feature on the > fonts tab that allowed a user to apply the following features to text > "marching ants, blinking text, scrolling marquee, etc. I cannot find the > any > of these features anywhere in Word 2007. "HELP"
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