From: Mark Thorson on 28 Mar 2005 20:11 I recently acquired an IBM 650 manual, and I was interested to learn that it used a biquinary representation for integers. This is a decimal format, in which five bits represent the values 0-4 or 5-9 and two binary bits select between the upper and lower range of values. (In other biquinary formats, a single binary bit may be used to select between upper and lower.) For example, 7d = 0111b = 10 00100 (biquinary) Doing a few web searches, I was surprised by how common biquinary was among the old vacuum tube machines: ENIAC, UNIVAC I, UNIVAC II, etc. Why was this representation so popular? Surely these people were aware of base-2, and its more compact representation of integers. Here are some possible reasons: SIMPLER ERROR CHECKING -- many early machines had extensive error checking facilities. On the 650, any number with more or less than one set bit in either the binary or quinary fields was detected as an error. All single-bit errors were caught. In a base-2 representation, all bit patterns are legal values. HUMAN FRIENDLY -- the early machines had no software tools. Biquinary was easier for humans to program in machine code. FEWER GATES -- biquinary allowed reducing the amount of logic by using ring counters for adding by repeated increments. Instead of implementing a full adder for every bit, you only need to handle the binary bit with parallel logic. Biquinary has advantages over a 10-bit decimary representation because the worst-case number of cycles for addition-by-counting is cut in half, and the number of bits needed to represent a digit is much smaller (although not quite as small as base-2 binary). During an era when gates and flip-flops were very dear, biquinary was king. Would it make sense to bring back biquinary today? Here are some possible reasons: FPGA IMPLEMENTATIONS -- even today's FPGA devices (and large hierarchical PLA devices sometimes marketed as "FPGA") have woefully few gate-equivalents and bits. For these devices, logic is as dear as it was in the days of vacuum tubes. Applications that implement numeric human interfaces (keypads, displays, etc.) may be more efficient implemented in biquinary as the native representation. SIMPLER, FASTER DECODING -- a biquinary format is already partially decoded. If you have to decode the values of a numeric field, the gates in a biquinary decoder can have fewer inputs than in a base-2 decoder, and none of the inputs are complement. Decoding a base-2 field requires having inputs from the true or complement value of every bit in the field. Memory chips that implement biquinary addressing can eliminate one gate delay each from the row and column decoding logic, so memory will be faster. Because memory is the limiting factor on system speed, biquinary computers will actually outrun their base-2 counterparts, even though their CPU arithmetic will be slightly slower (assuming a parallel biquinary arithmetic implementation, not an addition-by-counting implementation). At the low end, in embedded systems and FPGA devices, biquinary makes sense because of the economy in logic, with its accompanying reduction in die size, power consumption, radiated EMI, etc. At the high end, biquinary systems would be inherently faster due to faster memory cycles. You get human-friendly machine code for free. Across the full range of size and performance, it makes sense to implement biquinary as the native representation of integer data and addresses. Now that I've explained it, does everybody agree that base-2 should be discarded as a relic of late 20th century technology, appropriate for its time which has now passed?
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Niels_J=F8rgen_Kruse?= on 29 Mar 2005 03:26 Mark Thorson <nospam(a)> wrote: > Memory chips that > implement biquinary addressing can eliminate one > gate delay each from the row and column decoding > logic, so memory will be faster. Because memory > is the limiting factor on system speed, biquinary > computers will actually outrun their base-2 > counterparts, even though their CPU arithmetic > will be slightly slower (assuming a parallel > biquinary arithmetic implementation, not an > addition-by-counting implementation). Wire delay is the limiting factor on memory speed. One gate delay is completely irrelevant. -- Mvh./Regards, Niels Jýrgen Kruse, Vanlýse, Denmark
From: Jon Beniston on 29 Mar 2005 07:21 > > FPGA IMPLEMENTATIONS -- even today's FPGA > devices (and large hierarchical PLA devices > sometimes marketed as "FPGA") have woefully > few gate-equivalents and bits. For these > devices, logic is as dear as it was in the > days of vacuum tubes. Applications that > implement numeric human interfaces (keypads, > displays, etc.) may be more efficient > implemented in biquinary as the native > representation. Er? Even the smallest current FPGAs support tens of thousands of gates with the larger devices supporting hundreds of thousands. Cheers, Jon
From: Ian Rogers on 29 Mar 2005 11:09 Asynchronous logic ( considers a range of different data encodings including M-of-N, where N wires encode the data on M wires. From your explanation, biquinary sounds like one possible M-of-N encoding. There is an effect on power and logic complexity of these designs and quite an old history ( For example, asynchronous logic was used in the MU5 for control. Ian Rogers
From: John Savard on 30 Mar 2005 02:47
Mark Thorson <nospam(a)> wrote in message news:<4248AB7A.FF5B46B5(a)>... > FEWER GATES -- biquinary allowed reducing the > amount of logic by using ring counters for adding > by repeated increments. That's precisely why we can't use biquinary today. Adding would become much slower, as it would be done by counting to five. Also, it would waste bits in memory. If *decimal* got revived, it would be by means of something like Chen-Ho encoding, or the recent elaboration of it known as Densely Packed Decimal. John Savard |