From: Revres on 25 Dec 2009 10:29 "The Einstein Hoax" (See also our sister website The Einstein Hoax was written to counter an intellectual "fast shuffle" which used Dr. Einstein's Special Relativity (which is easily seen to be a mathematical copy of the earlier Lorentz Transformations Aether Theory) to propagate the idea that our physical reality was too subtle to be understood by mortal men and could only be dealt with using sophisticated mathematics. This ploy served the academic community very well. The quote was made that Dr. Einstein's principle contribution was not Special Relativity but rather the showing that mathematics could used to make advances in the physical sciences and "it was no longer necessary to wait for "the few great minds that arise in each century" to make progress. Since the availability of such intelligent men could not be expanded but mathematics can be taught to anyone, the approach not only made the physical sciences more mysterious, but allowed an unlimited expansion of the contributing scientific community. The phenomena associated with both Special and General Relativity seem, to a large degree, to be incomprehensible and the conclusions contradictory. There is a simple reason for this. The explanations which are provided lead the mind to recognize inherent contradictions which are not apparent in the mathematics. Since the contradictions do not appear in the mathematics it was considered obvious that did not exist! These contradictions have led to the continuous confusion appearing in the Newsgroups and elsewhere. The reality is that, when an expert(s) cannot explain his(their) knowledge to an intelligent layman (laymen), there can only be one explanation. The expert(s) do not actually understand their subject matter. IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THE LIMITATIONJS OF THE LAYMEN. "The Einstein Hoax",, was written to provide an understanding of our physical reality which is in agreement with all known physical observations and mathematical logic and , most importantly, pass the "intelligent layman" test. The chapters of "The Einstein Hoax" are listed below: Chapter Titles 1. - Introduction 2. - Historical Background 3. - The Nature of the Einstein Hoax 4. - Does the Aether Exist? 5. - The Resurrection of Absolute Velocity by Quantum Experiments 6. - The Nature of Reality 7. - Applying the Lorentz Transformations Properly 8. - Generating the Gravity Transformations 9. - Dr. Einstein's Error and the Introduction of Curved Space 10. - Gravitational Contraction and Collapse 11. - Gravitational Collapse and the Creation of a Universe 12. - The Space Time Continuum 13. - The Nature of Particles 14. - Adding Quantum Effects to Our Understanding 15. - Changing the Paradigms 16. - What Can We Conclude? There are 57,000 words and 53 illustrations. The source material for this posting may be found in (1997); (1987); and (1997). EVERYTHING WHICH WE ACCEPT AS TRUE MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH EVERYTHING ELSE WE HAVE ACCEPTED AS TRUE, IT MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH ALL OBSERVATIONS, AND IT MUST BE MATHEMATICALLY VIABLE. PRESENT TEACHINGS DO NOT ALWAYS MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. THE WORLD IS ENTITLED TO A HIGHER STANDARD OF WORKMANSHIP FROM THOSE IT HAS GRANTED WORLD CLASS STATUS. All of the Newsposts made by this site may be viewed at the Please make any response via E-mail as Newsgroups are not monitored on a regular basis. Objective responses will be treated with the same courtesy as they are presented. To prevent the wastage of time on both of our parts, please do not raise objections that are not related to material that you have read at the Website. This posting is merely a summary. E-mail:- einsteinhoax2(a) If you wish a reply, be sure that your mail reception is not blocked. The material at the Website has been posted continuously for over 8 years. In that time THERE HAVE BEEN NO OBJECTIVE REBUTTALS OF ANY OF THE MATERIAL PRESENTED. There have only been hand waving arguments by individuals who have mindlessly accepted the prevailing wisdom without questioning it. If anyone provides a significant rebuttal that cannot be objectively answered, the material at the Website will be withdrawn. Challenges to date have revealed only the responder's inadequacy with one exception for which a correction was provided.
From: Inertial on 25 Dec 2009 22:12 "Revres" <revres(a)> wrote in message news:Od5Zm.32943$_b5.16363(a)newsfe22.iad... > "The Einstein Hoax" > > (See also our sister website > > The Einstein Hoax was written to confuse people who are trying to understand physics .. it is written by people who do not understand physics an failed at it, and now want to convince others that their own failure was really a failure of physics.
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