From: M. M i c h a e l M u s a t o v on 27 Mar 2010 08:34 Np(f) for f = xn ô x ô 1, n = 2; 3; 4; 5: p n = 2 n = 3 n = 4 n = 5 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 7 0 1 1 0 11 2 1 1 0 13 0 0 1 0 17 0 1 2 2 19 2 1 0 1 23 0 2 1 1 59 2 3 1 0 83 0 1 4 0 5.2. The case n = 2. The discriminant of f = x2 ô x ô 1 is 5; the polynomial f has a double root mod 5; hence N5(f) = 1. For p 6= 5, we have Np(f) = ( 2 if p 1 (mod5) 0 if p 2 (mod5): If one denes a power series F(q) = P1 m=0 amqm by F = q ô q2 ô q3 + q4 1 ô q5 = q ô q2 ô q3 + q4 + q6 ô q7 ô q8 + q9 + ; the above formula can be restated as Np(f) = ap + 1 for all primes p: Note that the coecients of F are strongly multiplicative: one has amm0 = amam0 for every m;m0 1. The corresponding Dirichlet series P1 m=1 ammôs is the L-series Q p(1 ô ( p 5 )pôs)ô1. 434 JEAN-PIERRE SERRE 5.3. The case n = 3. The discriminant of f = x3 ô x ô 1 is ô23; the polynomial f has a double root and a simple root mod 23; hence N23(f) = 2. For p 6= 23, one has: Np(f) = ( 0 or 3 if ( p 23) = 1 1 if(p 23) = ô1: Moreover, in the ambiguous case where ( p 23) = 1, p can be written either as x2 + xy + 6y2 or as 2x2 + xy + 3y2 with x; y 2 Z; in the rst case, one has Np(f) = 3; in the second case, one has Np(f) = 0. (The smallest p of the form x2 + xy + 6y2 is 59 = 52 + 5 2+ 6 22, hence N59(f) = 3; cf. table above.) Let us dene a power series F = P1 m=0 amqm by the formula F = q 1Y k=1 (1 ô qk)(1 ô q23k) = 1 2 X x;y2Z qx2+xy+6y2 ô X x;y2Z q2x2+xy+3y2 = q ô q2 ô q3 + q6 + q8 ô q13 ô q16 + q23 ô q24 + : The formula for Np(f) given above can be reformulated as: Np(f) = ap + 1 for all primes p: Note that the coecients of F are multiplicative: one has amm0 = amam0 if m and m0 are relatively prime. The q-series F is a newform of weight 1 and level 23. The associated Dirichlet series is 1X m=1 am ms = Y p 1 ô ap ps + p 23 1 p2s ô1 : 5.4. The case n = 4. The discriminant of f = x4ôxô1 is ô283. The polynomial f has two simple roots and one double root mod 283, hence N283(f) = 3. If p 6= 283, one has Np(f) = 8>< >: 0 or 4 if p can be written as x2 + xy + 71y2 1 ifp can be written as 7x2 + 5xy + 11y2 0 or 2 if ô p 283 = ô1: (These cases correspond to the Frobenius substitution of p being conjugate in S4 to (12)(34) or 1, (123), (1234) or (12) respectively.) A complete determination of Np(f) P can be obtained via a newform F = 1 m=0 amqm of weight 1 and level 283 given in [5, p. 80, example 2]: F =q+ p ô2q2 ô p ô2q3 ôq4 ô p ô2q5 +2q6 ôq7ôq9 +2q10 +q11 + p ô2q12 + : One has: Np(f) = 1+(ap)2 ô p 283 for all primes p 6= 283: I do not know any closed formula for F, but one can give one for its reduction mod 283; see Notes. This is more than enough to determine the integers Np(f), since they are equal to 0; 1;2 or 4. ON A THEOREM OF JORDAN 435 5.5. The case n 5. Here the only known result seems to be that f = xn ôxô1 is irreducible (Selmer [15]) and that its Galois group is the symmetric group Sn. No explicit connection with modular forms (or modular representations) is known, although some must exist because of the Langlands program. Notes 1.1. Here is another interpretation of c0(f). Let K = Q[x]=(f) be the number eld dened by f. We have [K : Q] = n 2. For every d 1, let ad(K) be the number of the ideals a of the ring of integers of K with N(a) = d. The zeta function of K is the Dirichlet series K(s) = X d1 ad(K) ds : Using standard recipes in analytic number theory, one can show that Theorem 1 is equivalent to saying that K is lacunary: most of its coecients are zero. More precisely, if we denote by NK(X) the number of d X with ad(K) 6= 0, one has NK(X) cK X (logX)c0(f) for X !1; where cK is a strictly positive constant (cf. Odoni [13] and Serre [16, x3.5]). As for Theorem 2, it can be reformulated as NK(X) = O X (logX)1=n for X !1; with \O" replaced by \o" if n is not a power of a prime.
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