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From: dietmarhannam on 26 Nov 2007 08:44 I am using WSS 2.0 and have recently had to perform a restore from a backup using the stsadm command. The problem that i now have is linked to form libraries that work with an InfoPath template. When i click on the 'Fill Out The Form' button i receive the error: "This form could not be created. The required application may not be installed properly, or the template for this form library cannot be opened" This error message only pops up when i click the 'Fill Out The Form' button on a view that i have modified in Frontpage 2003 after converting to XSLT. The error message does not pop up when i use a default WSS view. This has ruled out the solution that says InfoPath is not installed, and the new template method, as the template opens in InfoPath in the default views. This is a strange one, can't quite understand it. Anyone have any ideas? Regards, Dietmar (P.S. I am running SBS and recently installed WSS 3.0 alongside 2.0 and just installed the 2 3.0 patches)
From: dietmarhannam on 14 Dec 2007 03:33
The only way i found to get around the problem was to change the hyperlink that's associated with the 'Fill out this form button'. I removed the Javascript link and pointed the link directly at the Template.xsn for the Form Library. Hope this helps anyone who has a similar problem. Regards, Dietmar |