From: k on


I have a question regarding the use of estimate och perhaps lsmeans
statements in sas. I am currently working with a growth model relating
a continious outcome to the age of the subject using proc mixed
controlling for a number of covariates.

The basic model is:

proc mixed data=a method=ml noitprint noclprint=10 covtest ;
class id baseage ;
model y = baseage group age age*group age*age age*age*group / chisq
cl residual vciry outp=resid1 outpm=resid2 ;
random int age / sub=id type=un g gcorr vcorr ;

It is a polynomial model where I estimate cross sectional effects of
age as well as longitudinal effects. What I am interested in is to
estimate the vertical difference between regression lines at selected
valus of the age spectrum at certain covariate values (between group
differences). As I am not that accustomed to writing contrast and
estimate statements in order to answer there kind of questions any
suggestions would be welcome.

Kind regards
