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From: maxwell on 29 Oct 2009 14:11 This is the second part of the TEW Review it covers chapters 3 and 4. Chapter 3 is the heart of this book where Dr Little provides his answer to the paradoxes of QM and especially the two-slit experiment. Drum-roll, sound of trumpets the answer is: the backward-wave discovery (not hypothesis, note). Unlike the standard interpretation of QM, involving mathematical wave functions, Littles waves are of course, real physical waves - they must exist because they have to be able to do something <p.26>. The real subatomic particle moves (forwards through time) from a point A to a point B by following any of the paths identified by the Little-waves previously emitted from B to A. Indeed, the traveling particle is only emitted IF it is stimulated by the arrival of such a Little-wave convergence. Without any further evidence or references, Little claims that A great deal of experimental evidence confirms the existence of these waves waves that are real objects in their own right, separate from particles. Very surprisingly, Little does not discuss a very important experimental observation about moving the screen further away from the slits (this is left to Prechter in the Foreword) which indicates that the particles must be taking different trajectories that are dependent on the separation of the target screen from the slits. The obvious (but unstated conclusion) is that this is a multi-body interaction involving the source, the electrons around the slits, the traversing particle AND the electrons in the screen this is a much more complex situation than simply harmonic waves going through a pair of slits: whether forwards or backwards. Moving the screen, AFTER the moving particle has been emitted, would demonstrate that it is the future location of the screen that is important, not its location at the time of emission (standard QM) or even prior to emission backwards from the screen, as with Little-waves. But to continue with the TEW theory: Little not only discovers this new wave, he is convinced that all of empty space is, in fact, filled with these waves <p.31>. These new entities form a veritable plenum, fulfilling Descartes dream of an aether controlling the whole of reality. Like all the classic aethers, these Little-waves are also eternal, neither being created by the detectors nor destroyed by the sources since they are present at all times throughout all space <p.36>. The subatomic particles in the detector atoms apparently only organize the waves that impinge on them (from some earlier time) in some unknown manner. Little-waves can apparently scatter elastically or inelastically but, according to Little, must not be thought of as photons. It goes without saying that this whole invention of an explanation of QM does not strike Little as weird (but it does me). Unlike Newton (who was a natural philosopher and a true follower of Bill Ockham), Little invents new, elementary entities as fast as any string theorist in order to explain the observed phenomena. Little rejects the idea that his wave is just a time-reversed standard forward moving QM wave because that wave diverges in all directions towards the screen and his doesnt <p. 34> (but why this criticism is not applied to the Little-wave, which diverges on the source side of the slits, is not mentioned). These Little-waves have to preserve their own identity, so they each need to have a unique marker of some sort so that waves carrying different markers do not interfere with one another but they do compete with one another (from different detection points) in stimulating the emission of particles <p.35>. Little also never acknowledges that QM waves are represented as complex harmonic functions while his are simply real but he still claims (without demonstration) that his theory predicts all the same results as standard QM <p.35>. Little begins chapter 4 with a well-justified attack on one of the central tenets of QM the superposition of states: Perhaps the single most absurd claim of QM is that subatomic particles exist in no state in particular until and unless they are observed, and that it is the observers act of looking that puts the particle into the observed state. This is the measurement problem or collapse of the wave function in a nutshell. Littles criticism consists of the realist view (which I accept) that to exist is to be something in particular <p. 40>. Most of the rest of this chapter is dedicated to providing an alternative explanation of polarized light but is fundamentally flawed as Little explicitly (and mistakenly) supposes that a photon is a localized entity <p.46>. ( to be continued)
From: maxwell on 31 Oct 2009 19:22 This is the third part of the TEW Review it covers chapters 5, 6 and 7. In his refreshing non-academic style, Little opens his fifth chapter with a blast at Heisenbergs alleged uncertainty principle (HUP) dismissing it as complete nonsense. He points out (correctly) that HUP is not usually offered just as a restriction on the statistical accuracy of simultaneous measurements of a particles position and momentum but that these two values together are uncertain in actuality. Little, in effect, writes that all real things must have real parameters with real values. However, his point is weakened when he fails to notice (as do most commentators) that velocity (and hence momentum) requires a finite limit process to both define and measure any value; he also fails to distinguish the fact of a particles real location with attempts by humans to measure that location. Littles mathematical derivation of the HUP requires that he adopt the de Broglie momentum/wavelength equation but this begs the question, as this was just the foundational step for developing wave mechanics. The uncertainty originates in TEW from the fact that many Little-waves compete to stimulate the source emission in any measurement and the winning wave is unknown to (and cannot be predicted by) human beings until after each (statistical) measurement is complete <p.59>. However, I do agree with Littles analysis that the uncertainty in measurements arises at the emitter and not at the absorber but the context is never the same in the real world when so- called identical experiments are repeated, although simplifying identical circumstances must always be proposed in all mathematical models. I also agree with Little when he correctly concludes that QM has over-extended the HUP to impose unjustified constraints on the unobserved, internal dynamics of subatomic systems. The sixth chapter focuses on EPR and on the debate between Bohr and Einstein whether QM was the final theory of the micro-world. Again, Little fails to distinguish between the communication of information and energy, so his criticism is weak, relying on the assumption that only real, physical things can communicate between real, interacting objects <p.70>. Littles naïve realism is evidenced at the start of chapter 7 when he illogically concludes (like most people) that the reality of nuclear weapons means that Einsteins theory of relativity is true. Little does point out that an object might appear to be different but it cannot, in fact, be different as an object doesnt change into something else because an observer looks at it while one of them is moving <p.77> so that all the Lorentz-transformation effects on real objects are just illusions. TEWs explanation of Einsteins light- hypothesis is that the Little-waves always control the speed of the photons relative to the observer. Obviously, this is a problem with distant photons emitted before humans even existed! Little claims to explain this paradox with typical hand-waving using the key word thus <p.82>. Little is therefore pleased to announce that relativity corroborates TEW. Little concludes this chapter with his ontological analysis of his elementary waves that turn out not to be plane waves at all but one dimensional flux-lines so they do not need a medium to propagate (convenient!). Oscillations are not actually physical motions back and forth but represent a periodic variation of a property internal to the flux. <p. 87> . Unfortunately, Little provides no further explanation of what is the nature of this internal property. Again, using only relativity results (and Einsteins photo-electric equation) Little derives his required de Broglie momentum/wavelength equation, so that his wave is quantitatively identical to the corresponding QM wave <p.89> - this ignores the historical fact that Einsteins photo-electric explanation used EM, not QM, waves. Little proposes that: every flux line corresponds to a particle at rest in one frame of reference or another <p.89> although no direction in 3D space is preferred for particles at rest or that this model contradicts his earlier view of eternal waves. Littles resolution of this contradiction is that his elementary wave is not really a wave at all. ( to be continued)
From: maxwell on 2 Nov 2009 16:39
This is the last part of the TEW Review it covers the final chapters 8 through 13. Chapter 8 is the TEW interpretation of particle diffraction (or Bragg scattering when using X-rays), which is used (along with the double-slit experiment) to prove that a (subatomic) particle is a wave while interacting with a perfect crystal. Since TEW always involves real Little-waves, they have no problem interfering with each other and scattering off all the atomic planes as they travel backwards from the points on the detector to the emitter. Chapter 9 is Dr Littles reinterpretation of classical mechanics based on the Hamilton-Jacobi mathematical model of a particle-following-a- wave. TEW simple supposes this model is real with the wave going backwards from the final destination. Of course, Little then must reject the reality of Newtonian physics with its central concept of very small (localized) particles with mass and momentum <p.101>. He then logically rejects the final step, leading to QM, known as canonical quantization. Little proposes that mass as quantity of matter be rejected (now that TEW has been discovered) and all of physics be restated in terms of elementary waves <p.104>. Dr Little applies his physical intuition in chapter 10 to the idea of magnetism, especially the erroneous reification of the magnetic field (that is, interpreting mathematical symbols in the equations of physics as one-to-one mappings to real objects or entities). In section 10.2, he introduces the non-physicist reader to some of the contradictions associated with the idea that EM fields are real. However, since Dr Little believes that behavior is necessarily the behavior of something he feels compelled to invent another new entity in TEW to explain correctly the phenomena of magnetism the vecton. These new, very small objects are emitted continuously from electric sources (under the influence of Little-waves) and then follow the lines of electric flux. These vectons must carry an internal property of some kind so they can impart a jolt to an absorbing particle along a direction determined by this internal property, not by the direction in which the vecton is moving. <p. 110>. By page 118, Dr Little has decided that: vectons are actually photons so that electromagnetism should be renamed vecton mechanics especially as he has decided that: Faradays law provides the real confirmation that the vecton theory is correct. Chapter 11 allows Dr Little to repeat his behavioral analysis to critique two rather esoteric examples of modern physics: parity violation and dark matter; no new insights here justify these extra pages. Chapter 12 tries to explain the atom in terms of TEW with considerable hand- waving being used to explain electron fundamentals like the Pauli exclusion principle thereby avoiding an enormously complicated mathematical formalism (i.e. spinors). The final chapter attempts to project TEW into other fields of science like neurobiology and genetics; this is a gigantic leap across many layers of complexity that few physicists would ever dream of attempting today but, at least, these paragraphs contain several subjunctive qualifiers. Finally, Dr Little rejects the notion of space and time as curving to explain gravity since these ideas are only concepts and not real objects but he does hope to find a mechanism by which a massive body might produce curvature in the elementary waves <p.153>. This reviewer is very sympathetic to Dr Littles appeal to realistic metaphysics but cannot accept that inventing new, fictitious entities is any improvement on the math only approach that now characterizes mathematical (not theoretical) physics. So, this is one reader who cannot agree with the closing claim that: TEW provides the basis for finally doing some real research on subatomic particles. The actual lack of any progress in TEW-based physics over the last 13 years does not give one much confidence in the fruitfulness of this theory. The extensive use of quotations in this review shows that Dr Little has no problem with modesty. For readers who enjoy his in-your-face style of writing about science, this book can be recommended for the rest of us, well just have to get over it. |