Boolean IsPrime() Function I describe a set of Boolean functions, IsPrimek(), which take a k-bit binary number and return True if the number is a prime. I show parts of these functions can always be reduced to a simple form and other clauses are somewhat reducible. To create a CNF IsPrimek() function, make a list of all k-bit numbers tha... 14 Feb 2010 20:45
Draft paper submission deadline is extended: TMFCS-10, Orlando, USA It would be highly appreciated if you could share this announcement with your colleagues, students and individuals whose research is in theoretical computing, complexity theory, algorithms, computational science and related areas. Draft paper submission deadline is extended: TMFCS-10, Orlando, USA The 2010 Int... 14 Feb 2010 20:45
Please help - Difference between Finite Set and Finite Field Hi, Could someone please help me understand the difference between the terms "Finite Set" and "Finite Field"? I understand that "Finite Set" is a set with a finite number of elements. I also understand roughly that a "Finite Field" is something similar. But I do not get the difference between them? Pleas... 13 Feb 2010 13:47
Call for Papers: CGVR'10 (The 2010 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality), USA, July 2010 It would be greatly appreciated if this announcement could be shared with individuals whose research interests include computer graphics and virtual reality. Thanks. ------- CALL FOR PAPERS CGVR'10 The 2010 International Conference on Computer Graphics... 8 Feb 2010 20:14
CFP-International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics CALL FOR PAPERS International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics IJCOPI, Volume 1 No. 1, 2010 IMPORTANT DATES: Paper Submission Due: 01 March 2010 Acceptance Notification: 21 March 2010 Publication Date: 31 March 2010 IJCOPI will be indexing soon by: Sc... 7 Feb 2010 14:14
CALL FOR EDITORS-International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics CALL FOR EDITORS International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics IJCOPI We courteously invite you as an editor of IJCOPI. I JCOPI is an international scientific electronic journal which publishes papers form all areas related to Informatics and the Combinatori... 7 Feb 2010 14:14
Interesting paper from MIT in 1987, about the Traveling Salesman Problem Check out this paper - The above paper appears to be a joint collaboration between MIT and a French institute, published in 1987. What I find interesting about this paper is that the authors mention in the Conclusion on pa... 4 Feb 2010 12:17
How do I pronounce "Ngo Bao Chau" ? On Feb 1, 7:53 pm, skyofthatnight < s gh . . . @ k a i s t . ... 2 Feb 2010 15:46
Do you like it? On Feb 1, 5:21 pm, master1729 <tommy1...(a)> wrote: alainverghote wrote : On 1 fév, 00:17, master1729 <tommy1...(a)> wrote: alain wrote : On 30 jan, 21:40, master1729 <tommy1...(a)> wrote: i wrote : alainverghot... 2 Feb 2010 15:46
674817 Constantly updated Free COmputer and business portal 14 I fell in love with the net and all the compuiter teahcnology in the very early years and have loved it ever since, I have an IT Degree and Communications degree and will be working on my doctorate for the next five years, in bwetween I design websites, databases, Multimedia Produxction or anything that wil make me a p... 2 Feb 2010 15:46 |