From: Keith Nash on
cattaghia wrote:

> 1) "package require Tk" in a normal ("trusted") interp works
> flawlessly and fast. In a "vanilla safe" interp (created by "interp
> create -safe") it does not work, period. In a SafeBase interp created
> without values passed through the -accessPath option, all the
> directories in the master's auto_path and tcl_pkgPath are scanned for
> pkgIndex.tcl files (in my system, this includes a browse through all
> the directories under /usr/lib, which results in a +-25s delay) and
> finally the error message "not allowed to start Tk by master's
> safe::TkInit" appears.

In this case the Safe Base interpreter will use the same access path as its
master interpreter. /usr/lib has probably been added to the auto_path
because wish or the Tcl script is in /usr/bin - as long as the Tcl-specific
directories are also in the auto_path, it is a good idea to remove /usr/lib
from the master's auto_path before creating the Safe Base slave. This will
greatly speed up package discovery.

If you are using your distro's Tcl/Tk, it is also worth trying ActiveState's
ActiveTcl - the distros' Tcl/Tk are often out of date, and there have been
bugfixes recently in the Safe Base.

3,4) I haven't tried using a labelframe as a container, perhaps someone else
can comment on that?
