From: Karl E. Peterson on
Helmut Meukel wrote:
> "Karl E. Peterson" <karl(a)> schrieb...
>> Helmut Meukel wrote:
>>> So between VB-DOS and VB1 we lost the n% parameter, but VB did still all
>>> necessary clean-up.
>> Point of order. VBDOS actually came *after* VB1. But it did still retain
>> the exitcode parameter so familiar to DOS junkies.
> you are right. My VB1 Manual is copyright 1991, VB-DOS 1992.

Yeah, I remember the sequencing well. VBDOS was such a disappointment,
too, because they never patched up the terrible resource problems it
shipped with.

> I played a bit around with VB1, but stayed with DOS Basic,
> because it came with the ISAM database.
> I was really pissed off when I found Microsoft provided no tool to
> convert the ISAM database to an Access/Jet db or at least migrate
> the data.

I didn't do a lot with ISAM, but recall finding some other 3rd party
alternative that gave me a pretty straight migration. But yeah, they
should've done something better there, too.

..NET: It's About Trust!

From: Helmut Meukel on
"Karl E. Peterson" <karl(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Yeah, I remember the sequencing well. VBDOS was such a disappointment, too,
> because they never patched up the terrible resource problems it shipped with.

I didn't know that. But 1992/93 I did most programming in Fortran7X
on a HP-1000 A-Series, using heavily the IMAGE-1000 database
subsystem. On a PC I started a weighting program in Basic PDS 7.1
and completed it in VB-DOS. This weighting program used two electronic
scales and got the data (dyestuffs, amounts) from our recipe program on
the HP1000. It was my last year with this company and I worked only
part-time (four days a week) for them and 1 day per week as a freelance
programmer. They never knew that I programmed the weighting program
they got from an engeneering company. <g>
I had told them I could program this weighting system, but they decided
to get it programmed by this engeneering company, which in turn asked
me if I would like to program it for them. <g>
The final version was installed Dec. 93, the same month I left them.
I had loose contact to the engeneering company, but never heard of
problems with this VB-DOS program.


From: Larry Serflaten on

"Helmut Meukel" <NoSpam(a)> wrote

> > It doesn't shut down until Form_Unload is finished executing. If there is code
> > there that waits for something and calls DoEvents, Timer events will still
> > fire, however, they don't fire if not calling DoEvents.
> But this is beyond the point.
> It was suggested that running timers would prevent an app from finishing
> execution.
> If I don't care about what's done in the timer event during execution
> of my Form_Unload code, then it's not necessary to disable the Timer.

Here is some code that will hang (not unload properly) in VB5 due to timer issues.
Does it exit OK in VB6???

(With a Timer and Command button) Paste in the code below, run it, and
press the command button. Before the value of AA gets to 1000, hit the
form's X button to close the form....


Option Explicit
Dim AA&, BB&, CC&
Dim CNT As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
If CNT = 0 Then
For AA = 1 To 1000
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Visible = True ' To see the values
Timer1.Interval = 1
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub BSub()
For BB = 1 To 1000
If BB Mod 5 = 0 Then Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub CSub()
For CC = 1 To 1000
If CC Mod 5 = 0 Then DoEvents
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
CNT = CNT + 1
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Caption = "AA=" & AA & " BB=" & BB & " CC=" & CC & " X Count=" & CNT
End Sub

From: MikeD on

"Helmut Meukel" <NoSpam(a)> wrote in message
> "MikeD" <nobody(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:OLXpO6c1KHA.3652(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Sorry, but that proves nothing because it's not a real-world app. Google
>> the newsgroups. You'll see this issue has been brought up many times and
>> the recommended solution is to disable the timer control....and that's
>> always solved it.
>> --
>> Mike
> Mike,
> I can think of many things I could do in code - called by a timer event -
> that would prevent VB to shut-down nicely, but then this code is the
> culprit, not the running Timer control itself.

But disabling the Timer means that code won't run.

> Disabling the Timer control may be the easiest solution to prevent this
> code from interfering with a graceful shut-down, but the same will be
> true for other controls firing events triggered externally.
> The MSComm control comes to mind...

Never said the Timer control was "exclusive" to this problem. But most
controls only fire events in response to user action. But yeah, I can see
this same problem occurring with the Comm control. Never used that control
myself so can't say how best to deal with it.

And in closing, I'd just like to say that I think you're making much more of
this than is warranted.


From: Larry Serflaten on

"Helmut Meukel" <NoSpam(a)> wrote

> I can think of many things I could do in code - called by a timer event -
> that would prevent VB to shut-down nicely, but then this code is the
> culprit, not the running Timer control itself.
> Disabling the Timer control may be the easiest solution to prevent this
> code from interfering with a graceful shut-down, but the same will be
> true for other controls firing events triggered externally.
> The MSComm control comes to mind...

The example I posted (elsewhere) actually re-enables the timer after
the Form_Unload event. If it is never mentioned that the timer needs
to be disabled, some may over-look the need to be sure it stays disabled....


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