From: Mel Smith on
Hi Richard:

I implemented your suggestions (i.e., a second Timer, and using the
visibility property);

This new version (relevant portions pasted below) works correctly on IE7
and Chrome and (almost correctly) on Firefox. (The timimng of FF seems a
little bit 'off'' but will investigate further over next several days

It took me a bit of testing (i.e., about two frustrating hours) to get
the positioning of the showarning(true[false]) function calls.

(btw, the ciurrent table I'm searching is 5,211 rows x 5 columns. The
actual production table will have approx 14000 rows. On my old Dell Laptop
with SUSE Linux and Firefox and 2 Gig of RAM, the searching portion is
*very* slow ! I have to learn more how to optimize the searchtable()
ode. )

Thanks again for the guidance !

-Mel Smith

function startTimer() {

if (TIMER) {
TIMER = setTimeout(search, 600); // waits 6/10 second (until user has
apparently stopped typing)

function search() {
showarning(true) ; // show 'Searching Please Wait ...' message here

if (TIMER2) {
clearTimeout(TIMER2) ;
TIMER2 = setTimeout(tablesearch,800); // call the actual table search in
8/10 second after warning message displays

function tablesearch() {
var i,tr,tds,td ;
var term = SEARCH_INPUT.value.toLowerCase();
// skip first few rows

// Have to find a way to speed up this long search loop!

for (i = SKIP_ROW_COUNT; i < nrows; i++) {
tr = rows[i]; // hide row if it doesn't contain the search term
tds = tr.getElementsByTagName("td");
if (!tds || tds.length < 2) continue;
td = tds[SEARCH_COLUMN] ; = (term == "" || doesNodeContain(td, term)) ? "" :
clearTimeout(TIMER2) ;
showarning(false) ; // hide the 'searching' message again

function doesNodeContain(node, term) {
if (node.nodeType == TEXT_NODE &&
node.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(term) >= 0) {
return true;
var child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
if (doesNodeContain(child, term)) {
return true;
child = child.nextSibling;
return false;

function showarning(onoff) {
var el = document.getElementById("ishomsg") ;

if (onoff) { = "visible" ; // show the 'searching' message
else { = "hidden"; // hide it now

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