From: mactech999 on
ok For a 2005 Honda Civic this is the Result I get:

FHO-556 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 F1 Sport Brake Rotors
Use with: SubModel: Hybrid
FHO-556 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 F1 Sport Brake Rotors
Use with: 1.7L L4
HO-556 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 AutoStar Drum & Rotor
Use with: SubModel: Hybrid
HO-556 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 AutoStar Drum & Rotor
Use with: 1.7L L4
HO-584 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 AutoStar Drum & Rotor
Use with: 2.0L L4
HOD-56 Rear Brake Drum 2 AutoStar Drum & Rotor
Use with: 1.7L L4

I would like it to be like this

FHO-556 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 F1 Sport Brake Rotors
HO-556 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 AutoStar Drum & Rotor
HOD-56 Rear Brake Drum 2 AutoStar Drum & Rotor
Use with: 1.7L L4

HO-584 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 AutoStar Drum & Rotor
Use with: 2.0L L4

FHO-556 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 F1 Sport Brake Rotors
HO-556 Front Disc Brake Rotor 2 AutoStar Drum & Rotor
Use with: SubModel: Hybrid

From: "JR "Bob" Dobbs" on
Take a look at the group attribute of the cfoutput tag. The CF8 documentation
includes a sample to demonstrate the use of the group attribute. also has a tutorial on this topic.

From: mactech999 on
Well you see thats where I have a problem

grouping would solve the problem however i am using this to get the display

The CfgDisplay is what gives the Description and it is not in Recordset1

is there a way of adding it in ?

<cfif #Recordset1.WheelBase# GT 0>
<cfquery name="rsWheel" datasource="Aces">
Select WheelBase From WheelBase Where WheelBaseID =
<cfset CfgDisplay = CfgDisplay & "#Trim(rsWheel.WheelBase)#
WheelBase &nbsp; ">
<cfif #Recordset1.TransmissionBase# GT 0>
<cfquery name="rsTranBase" datasource="Aces">
Select [TransmissionType]![TransmissionTypeName]
[TransmissionNumSpeeds]![TransmissionNumSpeeds] As Expr1,
From TransmissionNumSpeeds Inner Join (TransmissionControlType
Join (TransmissionType Inner Join TransmissionBase On
= TransmissionBase.TransmissionTypeID) ON
= TransmissionBase.TransmissionControlTypeID) ON
= TransmissionBase.TransmissionNumSpeedsID
<cfset CfgDisplay = CfgDisplay & "#Trim(rsTranBase.Expr1)#
Transmission &nbsp; ">
<cfif CfgDisplay is Not "">
<cfset CfgDisplay = "Use with: &nbsp;" & CfgDisplay>
<cfset LineCtr = LineCtr + 1>
<cfset Me.Parts.AddItem= CfgDisplay>

From: "JR "Bob" Dobbs" on
Add it as a column in your queries.

Two recommendations.
1. Use cfqueryparam for all parameters in your cfquery tags.
2. I can't give specifics having seen only snippets of your code, but consider
consolidating your queries to make fewer calls to your database if possible.

<cfif #Recordset1.WheelBase# GT 0>
<cfquery name="rsWheel" datasource="Aces">
Select WheelBase,
<cfqueryparam value="#Trim(rsWheel.WheelBase)# WheelBase"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" /> AS CfgDisplay
From WheelBase
Where WheelBaseID = #Recordset1.WheelBase#
<!--- <cfset CfgDisplay = CfgDisplay & "#Trim(rsWheel.WheelBase)#
WheelBase &nbsp; "> --->
<cfif #Recordset1.TransmissionBase# GT 0>
<cfquery name="rsTranBase" datasource="Aces">
Select [TransmissionType]![TransmissionTypeName]
[TransmissionNumSpeeds]![TransmissionNumSpeeds] As Expr1,
<cfqueryparam value="#Trim(rsTranBase.Expr1)# Transmission"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" /> AS CfgDisplay
From TransmissionNumSpeeds Inner Join (TransmissionControlType
Join (TransmissionType Inner Join TransmissionBase On
= TransmissionBase.TransmissionTypeID) ON
= TransmissionBase.TransmissionControlTypeID) ON
= TransmissionBase.TransmissionNumSpeedsID
<!--- <cfset CfgDisplay = CfgDisplay & "#Trim(rsTranBase.Expr1)#
Transmission &nbsp; "> --->
<cfif CfgDisplay is Not "">
<cfset CfgDisplay = "Use with: &nbsp;" & CfgDisplay>
<cfset LineCtr = LineCtr + 1>
<cfset Me.Parts.AddItem= CfgDisplay>

From: "JR "Bob" Dobbs" on
[q][i]Originally posted by: [b][b]mactech999[/b][/b][/i]
can i use AS CfgDisplay more than once in one query?[/q]

If your database allows it. Give it a try.

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