From: Sophie on 17 Mar 2010 10:09 So it's really not possible to do it directly when creating and using imagesc? We have to save it in png to do that?:( > Save the image to png using imwrite. You can then specify an alpha matte, as described here (parameter 'Alpha'): >
From: Oliver Woodford on 17 Mar 2010 10:43 "Sophie" wrote: > So it's really not possible to do it directly when creating and using imagesc? We have to save it in png to do that?:( > > > > Save the image to png using imwrite. You can then specify an alpha matte, as described here (parameter 'Alpha'): > > It is perfectly possible to make areas of an image transparent in a figure, but that is not what the OP was asking. For your purpose I suggest you read the following, and pay particular attention to the alphadata and alphadatamapping properties: Oliver
From: Sophie on 17 Mar 2010 11:01 Yes sorry I realized afterwards that it was not exactly the question. I think I managed to do what I wanted: figure, I = reshape(images(:,1,3),[35,57]); A = zeros(35,57); A(:) = 0.5; A(I>0.01) = 1; h1=imagesc(I);caxis([-0.02 0.02]); hold on set(h1,'alphadata',A); Thanks!
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