From: olivier.scalbert on
On May 26, 11:15 pm, Kai-Uwe Bux <jkherci...(a)> wrote:

> What about:
> #include <utility>
> #include <vector>
> #include <cassert>
> #include <iostream>
> #include <ostream>
> #include <iterator>
> class route {
> public:
>   typedef unsigned int city;
> private:
>   typedef std::pair< city, city > prev_next;
>   std::vector< prev_next > the_tour;
> public:
>   route ( unsigned int num_cities )
>     : the_tour ( num_cities, prev_next() )
>   {
>     for ( city c = 0; c < num_cities; ++c ) {
>       the_tour[ c ].second = ( c + 1 ) % num_cities;
>       the_tour[ c ].first  = ( c + num_cities - 1 ) % num_cities;
>     }
>   }
>   template < typename OutIter >
>   OutIter write_tour ( OutIter where ) const {
>     city c = 0;
>     do {
>       *where++ = c;
>       c = the_tour[ c ].second;
>     } while ( c != 0 );
>     return ( where );
>   }
>   route & move_city ( city moving, city target ) {
>     { // remove
>       city prev_city = the_tour[ moving ].first;
>       city next_city = the_tour[ moving ].second;
>       the_tour[ prev_city ].second = next_city;
>       the_tour[ next_city ].first = prev_city;
>     }
>     { // re-insert
>       city prev_city = the_tour[ target ].first;
>       city next_city = target;
>       the_tour[ moving ].first  = prev_city;
>       the_tour[ moving ].second = next_city;
>       the_tour[ prev_city ].second = moving;
>       the_tour[ next_city ].first = moving;
>     }
>   }
> };
> int main ( void ) {
>   route::city const new_york = 0;
>   route::city const chicago = 1;
>   route::city const syracuse = 2;
>   route::city const salt_lake = 3;
>   route::city const num_cities = 4;
>   route the_route ( num_cities );
>   the_route.write_tour
>     ( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
>   std::cout << "\n";
>   the_route.move_city( new_york, salt_lake );
>   the_route.write_tour
>     ( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
>   std::cout << "\n";
>   the_route.move_city( chicago, new_york );
>   the_route.write_tour
>     ( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
>   std::cout << "\n";
> }
> Best
> Kai-Uwe Bux

How can I "undo" a move ?

the_route.move_city(town1, town2);
the_route.unmove_city(town1, town2);
the_route.move_city(town1, town3);
the_route.unmove_city(town1, town3);

From: Kai-Uwe Bux on
olivier.scalbert(a) wrote:

> On May 26, 11:15 pm, Kai-Uwe Bux <jkherci...(a)> wrote:
>> What about:
>> #include <utility>
>> #include <vector>
>> #include <cassert>
>> #include <iostream>
>> #include <ostream>
>> #include <iterator>
>> class route {
>> public:
>> typedef unsigned int city;
>> private:
>> typedef std::pair< city, city > prev_next;
>> std::vector< prev_next > the_tour;
>> public:
>> route ( unsigned int num_cities )
>> : the_tour ( num_cities, prev_next() )
>> {
>> for ( city c = 0; c < num_cities; ++c ) {
>> the_tour[ c ].second = ( c + 1 ) % num_cities;
>> the_tour[ c ].first = ( c + num_cities - 1 ) % num_cities;
>> }
>> }
>> template < typename OutIter >
>> OutIter write_tour ( OutIter where ) const {
>> city c = 0;
>> do {
>> *where++ = c;
>> c = the_tour[ c ].second;
>> } while ( c != 0 );
>> return ( where );
>> }
>> route & move_city ( city moving, city target ) {
>> { // remove
>> city prev_city = the_tour[ moving ].first;
>> city next_city = the_tour[ moving ].second;
>> the_tour[ prev_city ].second = next_city;
>> the_tour[ next_city ].first = prev_city;
>> }
>> { // re-insert
>> city prev_city = the_tour[ target ].first;
>> city next_city = target;
>> the_tour[ moving ].first = prev_city;
>> the_tour[ moving ].second = next_city;
>> the_tour[ prev_city ].second = moving;
>> the_tour[ next_city ].first = moving;
>> }
>> }
>> };
>> int main ( void ) {
>> route::city const new_york = 0;
>> route::city const chicago = 1;
>> route::city const syracuse = 2;
>> route::city const salt_lake = 3;
>> route::city const num_cities = 4;
>> route the_route ( num_cities );
>> the_route.write_tour
>> ( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
>> std::cout << "\n";
>> the_route.move_city( new_york, salt_lake );
>> the_route.write_tour
>> ( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
>> std::cout << "\n";
>> the_route.move_city( chicago, new_york );
>> the_route.write_tour
>> ( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
>> std::cout << "\n";
>> }
>> Best
>> Kai-Uwe Bux
> Hi,
> How can I "undo" a move ?
> the_route.move_city(town1, town2);
> evaluate()
> the_route.unmove_city(town1, town2);
> the_route.move_city(town1, town3);
> evaluate()
> the_route.unmove_city(town1, town3);


#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iterator>

class route {

typedef unsigned int city;


typedef std::pair< city, city > prev_next;

std::vector< prev_next > the_tour;


route ( unsigned int num_cities )
: the_tour ( num_cities, prev_next() )
for ( city c = 0; c < num_cities; ++c ) {
the_tour[ c ].second = ( c + 1 ) % num_cities;
the_tour[ c ].first = ( c + num_cities - 1 ) % num_cities;

template < typename OutIter >
OutIter write_tour ( OutIter where ) const {
city c = 0;
do {
*where++ = c;
c = the_tour[ c ].second;
} while ( c != 0 );
return ( where );

city move_city ( city moving, city target ) {
city result;
{ // remove
city prev_city = the_tour[ moving ].first;
city next_city = the_tour[ moving ].second;
result = next_city;
the_tour[ prev_city ].second = next_city;
the_tour[ next_city ].first = prev_city;
{ // re-insert
city prev_city = the_tour[ target ].first;
city next_city = target;
the_tour[ moving ].first = prev_city;
the_tour[ moving ].second = next_city;
the_tour[ prev_city ].second = moving;
the_tour[ next_city ].first = moving;
return ( result );


int main ( void ) {
route::city const new_york = 0;
route::city const chicago = 1;
route::city const syracuse = 2;
route::city const salt_lake = 3;
route::city const num_cities = 4;

route the_route ( num_cities );
( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
std::cout << "\n";

route::city undo = the_route.move_city( new_york, salt_lake );
( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
std::cout << "\n";
the_route.move_city( new_york, undo );
( std::ostream_iterator< route::city >( std::cout, " " ) );
std::cout << "\n";

BTW: instead of evaluating the length of the tour from scratch every time,
you could update the length: two city connections are removed and two new
ones are created; all others remain the same. Thus, subtracting two edge
lengths and adding two new lengths is all that is needed. You can merge that
with move_city and keep the length up-to-date.


Kai-Uwe Bux
From: Casey Hawthorne on
For the dense Euclidean TSP, you need to update all the distances to
all the other nodes, O(n^2).

On Wed, 26 May 2010 10:41:54 -0700 (PDT),
"olivier.scalbert(a)" <olivier.scalbert(a)> wrote:

>In the context of the TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem), I would like
>to have a good an efficient way of representing and manipulating the
>route (joining all the towns).
>What I would like, is to be able to remove one town from the "list" of
>towns at a given position and reinsert it at an other given position,
>in O(1). So I need something as a list for fast remove/insert and
>something as an array for fast index access.Do you know if such an ADT
>exists ?
From: Casey Hawthorne on
For the dense Euclidean TSP, you need to update all the distances to
all the other nodes, O(n).

>On Wed, 26 May 2010 10:41:54 -0700 (PDT),
>"olivier.scalbert(a)" <olivier.scalbert(a)> wrote:
>>In the context of the TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem), I would like
>>to have a good an efficient way of representing and manipulating the
>>route (joining all the towns).
>>What I would like, is to be able to remove one town from the "list" of
>>towns at a given position and reinsert it at an other given position,
>>in O(1). So I need something as a list for fast remove/insert and
>>something as an array for fast index access.Do you know if such an ADT
>>exists ?
From: Kai-Uwe Bux on
Casey Hawthorne wrote:

> For the dense Euclidean TSP, you need to update all the distances to
> all the other nodes, O(n).

a) What is the "dense" Euclidean TSP as opposed to a "non-dense" TSP?

b) Why do distances to other nodes change? I thought, the distances between
the cities are given and just the order in which the cities are visited
changes. Then, to update the total length, you need to subtract the lengths
of those edges that you break by changing the order and add in the lengths
of the edges that you create.

>>On Wed, 26 May 2010 10:41:54 -0700 (PDT),
>>"olivier.scalbert(a)" <olivier.scalbert(a)> wrote:
>>>In the context of the TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem), I would like
>>>to have a good an efficient way of representing and manipulating the
>>>route (joining all the towns).
>>>What I would like, is to be able to remove one town from the "list" of
>>>towns at a given position and reinsert it at an other given position,
>>>in O(1). So I need something as a list for fast remove/insert and
>>>something as an array for fast index access.Do you know if such an ADT
>>>exists ?


Kai-Uwe Bux