From: juanpablo on
I have the following header:
Ene-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Abr-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Ago-08

with data.

If I ad a trendline that gives me an equation, lets say: y=-3242x+13

Being x the month, if I want to get data for month Sep-08, what value should
I use for x=9?

Is that applicable for all the months coming, lets say next february 09
would be x=14?

From: "David Biddulph" groups [at] on
If your Month values are just text, then yes.
If they are real dates, Sep-08 is 39692, and Feb-09 is 39845, but from the
looks of your data values I would guess that it's more likely to be text.
David Biddulph

"juanpablo" <juanpablo(a)> wrote in message
>I have the following header:
> Ene-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Abr-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Ago-08
> with data.
> If I ad a trendline that gives me an equation, lets say: y=-3242x+13
> Being x the month, if I want to get data for month Sep-08, what value
> should
> I use for x=9?
> Is that applicable for all the months coming, lets say next february 09
> would be x=14?
> JP

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